[Met_help] problems compiling MET

Michael Brennan Michael.J.Brennan at noaa.gov
Mon May 19 11:06:23 MDT 2008


I recompiled the BURFLIB the correct way, using the commands you 
suggested. I don't get the "__" when I run the nm command, as you can 
see here:

mbrennan at lnx274> nm libbufr.a | grep bort_exit
                  U bort_exit_
                  U bort_exit_
0000000000000000 T bort_exit_

However, I still get the same errors when trying to compile MET. I've 
attached the output from the "make" command as the file make_met.log.


John Halley Gotway wrote:
> Michael,
> I'm sorry this is still causing you problems.  I'm hoping there's just 
> some detail we're missing because this seems like it should be a pretty 
> straight-forward thing to fix.
> I replicated the exact error message you're getting be rebuilding 
> BUFRLIB the *wrong* way and then rebuilding MET linking to the bad 
> version of BUFRLIB.
> Here are the commands I used to build BUFRLIB the *wrong* way:
> gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
> g77 -c -DUNDERSCORE *.f
> ar crv libbufr.a *.o
> Running the 'nm' command on the library archive file, this is what I find:
> Pigpen > nm *.a | grep bort_exit
>          U bort_exit__
> bort_exit.o:
> 00000000 T bort_exit_
>          U bort_exit__
> Those lines: "U bort_exit__" are INCORRECT and should not be there.  
> Instead, they should read: "U bort_exit_" with only one underscore.
> When I tried building MET linking to this incorrect version of BUFRLIB, 
> I got the exact same error you're getting:
> /nfs/pigpen_pd6/score/MET/MET_releases/external_libs/bufrlib_JHG/libbufr.a(bort2.o): 
> In function `bort2_':
> bort2.f:(.text+0x216): undefined reference to `bort_exit__'
> /nfs/pigpen_pd6/score/MET/MET_releases/external_libs/bufrlib_JHG/libbufr.a(bort.o): 
> In function `bort_':
> bort.f:(.text+0x1b6): undefined reference to `bort_exit__'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> So let's try rebuilding one more time and see if we can get it working.  
> Please run the following commands:
> (1) cd /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB
> (2) rm *.o *.a
> (3) gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
> (4) g77 -c -DUNDERSCORE -fno-second-underscore *.f (the *CORRECT* way to 
> compile this)
> (5) ar crv libbufr.a *.o
> (6) nm libbufr.a | grep bort_exit (verify that all lines are 
> "bort_exit_" and NOT "bort_exit__")
> (7) cd /export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0
> (8) make clean
> (9) make
> And then keep your fingers crossed.  If this doesn't work, then there 
> may be some version or system configuration differences that are causing 
> issues.
> Please let me know how it goes.
> John
> Michael Brennan wrote:
>> John,
>> I'm just sitting down to take a look at this again. I think in my last 
>> message to you, I looked at the output from this command:
>> nm /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/libbufr.a | grep bort
>> and the line said "bort_exit_" (with one underscore).
>> I still don't seem to have any luck compiling. I pasted the error 
>> string I get below. Do you have any other suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> /usr/bin/g++ -o pb2nc pb2nc.cc pb2nc_Conf.o numpbmsg.o openpb.o 
>> readpb.o dumppb.o  \
>>         -g -Wall -Wshadow -static 
>> -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" \
>>         -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include \
>>         -I../../lib -I../../lib 
>> -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include 
>> -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/f2c \
>>         -L../../lib -L../../lib 
>> -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/lib 
>> -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/lib 
>> -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/f2c/libf2c \
>>         -lbufr -lvx_grib_classes -lvx_wrfdata -lvx_econfig \
>>         -lvx_data_grids -lvx_math -lvx_cal -lvx_util -lvx_met_util -lm 
>> -lf2c \
>>         -lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf
>> ../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined 
>> but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' 
>> defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' 
>> defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but 
>> not used
>> ../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but 
>> not used
>> ../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' 
>> defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' 
>> defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but 
>> not used
>> ../../lib/vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined 
>> but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' 
>> defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' 
>> defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 
>> 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 
>> 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 
>> 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 
>> 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
>> ../../lib/vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' 
>> defined but not used
>> /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/lib/libbufr.a(bort.o)(.text+0xe9): In 
>> function `bort_':
>> : undefined reference to `bort_exit__'
>> /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/lib/libbufr.a(bort2.o)(.text+0x124): 
>> In function `bort2_':
>> : undefined reference to `bort_exit__'
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>> make[3]: *** [pb2nc] Error 1
>> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>> make[1]: *** [targets] Error 2
>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>>> Mike,
>>> Hmmm.  That's odd.  The "-fno-second-underscore" option is meant to 
>>> address this exact issue.
>>> Please try doing the following command:
>>> nm /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/libbufr.a | grep bort
>>> And then send me the output of the command.
>>> In the output of the "nm" command, look to see if there's a line that 
>>> says "bort_exit_" or does it say "bort_exit__"?
>>> We need to compile BUFRLIB in such a way that it says "bort_exit_" 
>>> rather than "bort_exit__".
>>> Sorry about these issues.  It's a result of mixing FORTRAN code with 
>>> C++ code.
>>> John
>>> Michael Brennan wrote:
>>>> John,
>>>> I had not seen those suggestions in the User's Guide. I rebuilt the 
>>>> BUFRLIB as you suggested and rebuilt MET. I get the same error (have 
>>>> reattached the Makefile and make_met.log.  I'll spend some more time 
>>>> on it this afternoon and let you know if I make any progress.
>>>> Thanks again for your help!
>>>> Mike
>>>> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>>>>> Michael,
>>>>> When you compiled BUFRLIB, did you see the suggestions in the MET 
>>>>> User's Guide about it?  Please take a look in section 2.6 of the 
>>>>> MET User's Guide (METv1.0/doc/MET_Users_Guide.pdf).  Try rebuilding 
>>>>> BUFRLIB using the following commands that are listed in there:
>>>>> cd /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB
>>>>> rm *.o *.a
>>>>> /usr/bin/gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>>>> /usr/bin/g77 -c -DUNDERSCORE -fno-second-underscore *.f
>>>>> ar crv libbufr.a *.o
>>>>> Then try rebuilding MET.  Hopefully, that'll fix that undefined 
>>>>> reference error you're seeing right now.
>>>>> Let me know how it goes.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> John
>>>>> Michael Brennan wrote:
>>>>>> John,
>>>>>> Thanks very much for your suggestion. I definitely made it farther 
>>>>>> this time, but still ended up with an error, this time related to 
>>>>>> the BUFRLIB. I've again attached the Makefile and make_met.log. If 
>>>>>> you can take another look, I'd greatly appreciate it!
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>>>>>>> Michael,
>>>>>>> I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.  Most of the 
>>>>>>> people who provide support for MET were out of town last week.
>>>>>>> Thanks for sending along your Makefile and your log file.  It 
>>>>>>> makes diagnosing the problem a lot easier.
>>>>>>> This looks like a pretty simple problem.  The compiler is not 
>>>>>>> able to find the file "gsl/gsl_cdf.h".
>>>>>>> In your Makefile, change the following line...
>>>>>>> FROM: GSL_INCS = -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include/gsl
>>>>>>> TO:   GSL_INCS = -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
>>>>>>> And then do a "make clean" followed by a "make >& make_met.log".
>>>>>>> I see why you set GSL_INCS the way you did - the comments in the 
>>>>>>> Makefile are a little misleading.
>>>>>>> That should solve that problem.  Please let me know if you run 
>>>>>>> into other issues.
>>>>>>> Thanks and sorry again for the delay,
>>>>>>> John Halley-Gotway
>>>>>>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>>>> Michael Brennan wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I'm attempting to compile MET in user space on a Linux 
>>>>>>>> workstation. I have all the necessary other software installed 
>>>>>>>> (NETCDF, BURFLIB, GSL, and F2C), and I've updated the code 
>>>>>>>> suggested on the "known issues" page. However, I'm still having 
>>>>>>>> problems. I've attached make make_met.log file and my top level 
>>>>>>>> Makefile.
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to use pre-compiled NETCDF libraries for compiling 
>>>>>>>> MET. Could that be part of the problem?
>>>>>>>> I appreciate any advice you might have.
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Mike
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>> Met_help mailing list
>> Met_help at mailman.ucar.edu
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-------------- next part --------------

*** Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project ***

*** Making vx_afm Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ afm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afm_keywords.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afm_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afm_token.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afmkeyword_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ afmtokentype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_afm.a afm.o afm_keywords.o afm_line.o afm_token.o afmkeyword_to_string.o afmtokentype_to_string.o
ar: creating libvx_afm.a
ranlib libvx_afm.a

cp libvx_afm.a ../.

*** Making vx_analysis_util Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ analysis_utils.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ box.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ by_case_info.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ data_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mask_poly.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mode_atts.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mode_job.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mode_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ time_series.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdb_columns.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdb_job.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdb_line.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdbjobtype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vsdblinetype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_analysis_util.a analysis_utils.o box.o by_case_info.o data_line.o mask_poly.o mode_atts.o mode_job.o mode_line.o time_series.o vsdb_columns.o vsdb_job.o vsdb_line.o vsdbjobtype_to_string.o vsdblinetype_to_string.o
ar: creating libvx_analysis_util.a
ranlib libvx_analysis_util.a

cp libvx_analysis_util.a ../.

*** Making vx_cal Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ date_to_mjd.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ day_dif.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ day_of_week.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ doyhms_to_unix.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ easter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ holiday.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ is_dst.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ is_leap_year.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mdyhms_to_unix.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ mjd_to_date.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ time_strings.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ unix_to_mdyhms.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_cal.a date_to_mjd.o day_dif.o day_of_week.o doyhms_to_unix.o easter.o holiday.o is_dst.o is_leap_year.o mdyhms_to_unix.o mjd_to_date.o time_strings.o unix_to_mdyhms.o
ar: creating libvx_cal.a
ranlib libvx_cal.a

cp libvx_cal.a ../.

*** Making vx_color Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ cfile.tab.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ lex.color.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
lex.color.c:1190: warning: 'void yyunput(int, char*)' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ vx_clist.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_color.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_ctable.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_color.a cfile.tab.o lex.color.o vx_clist.o vx_color.o vx_ctable.o
ar: creating libvx_color.a
ranlib libvx_color.a

cp libvx_color.a ../.

*** Making vx_contable Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ vx_contable.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_contable_stats.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
ar -rs libvx_contable.a vx_contable.o vx_contable_stats.o
ar: creating libvx_contable.a
ranlib libvx_contable.a

cp libvx_contable.a ../.

*** Making vx_data_grids Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ exp_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ grid_base.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ grid_defs.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ lc_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ pc_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ st_grid.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_data_grids.a exp_grid.o grid_base.o grid_defs.o lc_grid.o pc_grid.o st_grid.o
ar: creating libvx_data_grids.a
ranlib libvx_data_grids.a

cp libvx_data_grids.a ../.

*** Making vx_econfig Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ algline.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ array.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ builtin.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ builtin_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ celltype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ econfig.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ econfigl.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
econfigl.cc:1237: warning: 'void yyunput(int, char*)' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ gen.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ icode.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ icodecell_to_result.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ idstack.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ machine.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ pwl.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ result.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ resulttype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ stetype_to_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ symtab.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_econfig.a algline.o array.o builtin.o builtin_to_string.o celltype_to_string.o econfig.o econfigl.o gen.o icode.o icodecell_to_result.o idstack.o machine.o pwl.o result.o resulttype_to_string.o stetype_to_string.o symtab.o
ar: creating libvx_econfig.a
ranlib libvx_econfig.a

cp libvx_econfig.a ../.

*** Making vx_gnomon Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ gnomon.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_gnomon.a gnomon.o
ar: creating libvx_gnomon.a
ranlib libvx_gnomon.a

cp libvx_gnomon.a ../.

*** Making vx_grib_classes Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ grib_classes.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ grib_strings.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_code_name(int, int, int&)':
grib_strings.cc:35: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned
grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_code_unit(int, int, int&)':
grib_strings.cc:60: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned
grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_code_abbr(int, int, int&)':
grib_strings.cc:85: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned
grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_level_name(int, int, int&)':
grib_strings.cc:110: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned
grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_level_abbr(int, int, int&)':
grib_strings.cc:135: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned
grib_strings.cc: In function `const char* get_grib_level_str(int, int, unsigned char*, int&)':
grib_strings.cc:160: warning: address of local variable `tmp_str' returned
grib_strings.cc: In function `int str_to_grib_code(const char*)':
grib_strings.cc:204: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
grib_strings.cc:219: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
ar -rs libvx_grib_classes.a grib_classes.o grib_strings.o
ar: creating libvx_grib_classes.a
ranlib libvx_grib_classes.a

cp libvx_grib_classes.a ../.

*** Making vx_gsl_prob Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ gsl_cdf.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
/usr/bin/g++ gsl_bvn.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
ar -rs libvx_gsl_prob.a gsl_cdf.o gsl_bvn.o
ar: creating libvx_gsl_prob.a
ranlib libvx_gsl_prob.a

cp libvx_gsl_prob.a ../.

*** Making vx_math Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ hist.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ nint.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ nti.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ ptile.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ pwl_interpolate.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_math.a hist.o nint.o nti.o ptile.o pwl_interpolate.o
ar: creating libvx_math.a
ranlib libvx_math.a

cp libvx_math.a ../.

*** Making vx_met_util Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ apply_mask.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" -I..
../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ compute_ci.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
/usr/bin/g++ met_stats.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ read_grib.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ read_pcp_combine_netcdf.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ rescale_lon.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ two_to_one.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_met_util.a apply_mask.o compute_ci.o met_stats.o read_grib.o read_pcp_combine_netcdf.o rescale_lon.o two_to_one.o
ar: creating libvx_met_util.a
ranlib libvx_met_util.a

cp libvx_met_util.a ../.

*** Making vx_nav Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ nav.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_nav.a nav.o
ar: creating libvx_nav.a
ranlib libvx_nav.a

cp libvx_nav.a ../.

*** Making vx_plot_util Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ vx_plot_util.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" -I..
ar -rs libvx_plot_util.a vx_plot_util.o
ar: creating libvx_plot_util.a
ranlib libvx_plot_util.a

cp libvx_plot_util.a ../.

*** Making vx_ps Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ vx_ps.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_ps_text.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_ps.a vx_ps.o vx_ps_text.o
ar: creating libvx_ps.a
ranlib libvx_ps.a

cp libvx_ps.a ../.

*** Making vx_pxm Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ vx_pbm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_pcm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_pgm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_ppm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_pxm_base.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_pxm_utils.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_pxm.a vx_pbm.o vx_pcm.o vx_pgm.o vx_ppm.o vx_pxm_base.o vx_pxm_utils.o
ar: creating libvx_pxm.a
ranlib libvx_pxm.a

cp libvx_pxm.a ../.

*** Making vx_render Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ vx_ascii85_filter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_bit_filter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_hex_filter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_ps_filter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_psout_filter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_render_pbm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_render_pcm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_render_pgm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_render_ppm.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_renderinfo.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_rle_filter.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_uc_queue.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_render.a vx_ascii85_filter.o vx_bit_filter.o vx_hex_filter.o vx_ps_filter.o vx_psout_filter.o vx_render_pbm.o vx_render_pcm.o vx_render_pgm.o vx_render_ppm.o vx_renderinfo.o vx_rle_filter.o vx_uc_queue.o
ar: creating libvx_render.a
ranlib libvx_render.a

cp libvx_render.a ../.

*** Making vx_util Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ ascii_table.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ bitarray.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ boundingbox.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ comma_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ concat_string.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ double_array.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ indent.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ int_array.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ is_number.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ make_path.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ num_array.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ ordinal.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ roman_numeral.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ string_array.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ string_fxns.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ substring.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
/usr/bin/g++ vx_endian.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I..
ar -rs libvx_util.a ascii_table.o bitarray.o boundingbox.o comma_string.o concat_string.o double_array.o indent.o int_array.o is_number.o make_path.o num_array.o ordinal.o roman_numeral.o string_array.o string_fxns.o substring.o vx_endian.o
ar: creating libvx_util.a
ranlib libvx_util.a

cp libvx_util.a ../.

*** Making vx_wrfdata Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ filterbox.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
/usr/bin/g++ moments.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
/usr/bin/g++ node.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
/usr/bin/g++ polyline.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ vx_wrfdata.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
ar -rs libvx_wrfdata.a filterbox.o moments.o node.o polyline.o vx_wrfdata.o
ar: creating libvx_wrfdata.a
ranlib libvx_wrfdata.a

cp libvx_wrfdata.a ../.

*** Making vx_wrfmode Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ WrfMode_Conf.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
/usr/bin/g++ engine.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ interest.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
/usr/bin/g++ set.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include
ar -rs libvx_wrfmode.a WrfMode_Conf.o engine.o interest.o set.o
ar: creating libvx_wrfmode.a
ranlib libvx_wrfmode.a

cp libvx_wrfmode.a ../.

*** Making pcp_combine application ***

/usr/bin/g++ -o pcp_combine pcp_combine.cc \
	-g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" \
	-I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include \
	-I../../lib -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include \
	-L../../lib -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/lib  \
	-lvx_met_util -lvx_grib_classes -lvx_wrfdata -lvx_data_grids -lvx_nav -lvx_cal \
	-lvx_math -lvx_util -lm -lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
cp pcp_combine ../../bin/.

*** Finished Making pcp_combine application ***

*** Making mode application ***

/usr/bin/g++ -o mode mode.cc \
	-g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" \
	-I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/lib \
	-I../../lib -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include \
	-L../../lib -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/lib  \
	-lvx_grib_classes -lvx_wrfmode -lvx_wrfdata \
	-lvx_econfig -lvx_contable -lvx_met_util -lvx_gsl_prob -lgsl \
	-lvx_plot_util -lvx_data_grids -lvx_render -lvx_pxm -lvx_color -lvx_ps -lvx_afm \
	-lvx_nav -lvx_cal -lvx_math -lvx_util -lm \
	-lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_plot_util/vx_plot_util.h:37: warning: 'usa_county_data' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_plot_util/vx_plot_util.h:38: warning: 'usa_state_data' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_plot_util/vx_plot_util.h:39: warning: 'world_outline_data' defined but not used
cp mode ../../bin/.

*** Finished Making mode application ***

*** Making grid_stat application ***

/usr/bin/g++ -c grid_stat_Conf.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  \

/usr/bin/g++ -o grid_stat grid_stat.cc grid_stat_Conf.o \
	-g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" \
	-I../../lib -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include \
	-L../../lib -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/lib  -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/lib \
	-lvx_met_util -lvx_grib_classes -lvx_wrfdata \
	-lvx_econfig -lvx_contable -lvx_gsl_prob -lgsl \
	-lvx_data_grids -lvx_nav -lvx_cal -lvx_math -lvx_util -lm \
	-lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
cp grid_stat ../../bin/.

*** Finished Making grid_stat application ***

*** Making pb2nc application ***

/usr/bin/g++ -c pb2nc_Conf.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  \
/usr/bin/g77 -c numpbmsg.f -g -Wall -Wshadow -static 
/usr/bin/g77 -c openpb.f -g -Wall -Wshadow -static 
/usr/bin/g77 -c readpb.f -g -Wall -Wshadow -static 
/usr/bin/g77 -c dumppb.f -g -Wall -Wshadow -static 

/usr/bin/g++ -o pb2nc pb2nc.cc pb2nc_Conf.o numpbmsg.o openpb.o readpb.o dumppb.o  \
	-g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -DMET_BASE=\"/export/lnx274/MET/METv1.0\" \
	-I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include \
	-I../../lib -I../../lib -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/include -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/f2c \
	-L../../lib -L../../lib -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/applications/netcdf-3.6.2/lib  -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/lib -L/export/lnx274/mbrennan/f2c/libf2c \
	-lbufr -lvx_grib_classes -lvx_wrfdata -lvx_econfig \
	-lvx_data_grids -lvx_math -lvx_cal -lvx_util -lvx_met_util -lm -lf2c \
	-lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf 
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../../lib/vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
/export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/lib/libbufr.a(bort.o)(.text+0xe9): In function `bort_':
: undefined reference to `bort_exit__'
/export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/lib/libbufr.a(bort2.o)(.text+0x124): In function `bort2_':
: undefined reference to `bort_exit__'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [pb2nc] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [targets] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
-------------- next part --------------
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