[Met_help] Re: f2c

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Sat Mar 1 15:01:34 MST 2008


You can get F2C in one of two ways.

(1) For Debian Linux, F2C is available as a Debian package.  If you have
root access, you can install the F2C Debian package using the "dpkg" unix
command with the correct options (see the man page for dpkg).  If not, you
could have a sys admin install it for you.  I've never installed this
directly myself since I don't have root access.

(2) Alternatively, you can download the F2C library yourself and build it
similar to how you built BUFRLIB.  A link for F2C is provided on the MET
Downloads page.  Here's that link: http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip
Please see the README file in .zip file for instructions on building.

If you go the second route and build it locally yourself, be sure to set
the "F2C_INCS" and "F2C_LIBS" variables in the top-level MET Makefile to
tell the compiler and linker where to find F2C.

However if you go the first route, F2C should be installed in a standard
location where the compiler and linker can find it, so you wouldn't need
to set those.

Good luck,

> How did you install f2c on debian?

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