[Met_help] MET

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Wed Apr 16 20:47:05 MDT 2008


To answer your questions...

(1) No, we do not support the NetCDF output directly from the WRF model. 
The model data is put out on the native model grid and model levels. 
However, MET is set up to run on data that's on a regular grid that's been
interpolated to pressure levels.

(2) In order to get your model output in this format, we strongly
recommend using the WRF PostProcessor.  This is available from the WRF-NMM
download site: http://www.dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/downloads/index.php

Even though it's only posted on the WRF-NMM download page, it may be run
on output from WRF run with ARW or NMM.  The WRF-NMM User's Guide (also on
that website) describes how to setup and run the WRF PostProcessor.

The output of the WRF PostProcessor is Grib data on pressure levels... in
fact, that's why we chose to work with Grib data in the first place.

(3) The file "sample_pb.nc" is generated by the test script which runs the
pb2nc tool.  If pb2nc is not compiled or not run for some reason, it won't
be generated.  The test script named "test_all.sh" calls all of the other
test scripts in the order they should be executed.

If you'd like me to send you a copy of the generated "sample_pb.nc" file,
just let me know.  I'd be happy to.

However, if you're planning to create your own NetCDF version of point
observations, I'd suggest waiting for MET version 1.1 in May.  We've
modified that NetCDF point observation format slightly to remove some
unused variables.

Hope that helps.  Please let us know if and when more questions arise.

John Halley-Gotway

> Hi,
> My team uses METv1.0 to validate WRF forecast against surface
> observations.
> We have both WRF forecast and "point obs" in NetCDF format.
> 1. Is there any option in PointStat utility to compute statistics using
> output in netCDF? Below is a segment from PointStat where I can see the
> check for Grib forecast:
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> void process_fcst_files() {
>    // Open the forecast file as a Grib file.
>    if( !(fcst_gb_file.open(fcst_file)) ) {
>       cerr << "\n\nERROR: process_fcst_files() -> "
>            << "can't open grib file: "
>            << fcst_file << "\n\n" << flush;
>       exit(1);
>    }
>    // If provided, open up the climatology file as a Grib file.
>    if(climo_flag == 1) {
>       if( !(climo_gb_file.open(climo_file)) ) {
>          cerr << "\n\nERROR: process_fcst_files() -> "
>               << "can't open climatology file: ")
>               << climo_file << "\n\n" << flush;
>          exit(1);
>       }
>    }
>    return;
> }
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> 2. Is there any post-processing tool which converts netCDF into Grib to be
> used in PointStat utility?
> 3. In the test script "test_point_stat.sh" in METv1.0 there is a reference
> to "sample_pb.nc". To execute this test script, is there any sample file
> "sample_pb.nc" specifically with sample surface observations available for
> download?
> Thank you,
> Elena Novakovskaia
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