[Met_help] MET v1.1

Cory Davis cory.davis at metservice.com
Tue Apr 15 15:50:46 MDT 2008

Hi there,
Firstly thanks for making MET available, I have been using it for a few 
months now and it has proved valuable in evaluating our various 
mesoscale model configurations.
I was about to send you an email requesting a feature: It would be great 
to be able to retrieve the matched pair data in point_stat so that 
residuals could be plotted on a map so that any spatial pattern in 
residuals can be assessed.  Then I noticed that this seems to be a 
feature planned for MET v1.1.  I was hoping you could confirm this and 
if you could give me a heads up about what fields would be included, 
i.e. station id, lat/lon etc.

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