[Met_help] Re: Problem with compiling METv1.0

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Sat Apr 12 08:42:24 MDT 2008


Thanks for sending the Makefile and logfile.  I see that you're compiling
MET with the PGI compilers.  Based on the error message, it appears that
the linker is having trouble finding things in the NetCDF library.

One possible explanation is that the NetCDF library may not have been
built using the PGI compilers.  You should build NetCDF with the same set
of compilers that you're using to build MET.

If you're not sure how the NetCDF library was build, I'd suggest
rebuilding your NetCDF library using something like (in a C type shell):

cd /home2/oper/WRF_ON/verification/netcdf-3.6.2
setenv CC /usr/pgi/linux86/7.0/bin/pgcc
setenv CXX /usr/pgi/linux86/7.0/bin/pgCC
setenv F77 /usr/pgi/linux86/7.0/bin/pgf77
./configure --prefix=/home2/oper/WRF_ON/verification/netcdf-3.6.2
make check
make install

That should tell NetCDF to build using the PGI compilers.  And it will
"install" into your netcdf-3.6.2 directory.  This is explained in the file

So in your Makefile, set the NETCDF parameters as follows:
NETCDF_BASE  = /home2/oper/WRF_ON/verification/netcdf-3.6.2

Then try rebuilding MET by doing a "make clean" and "make install".

Hopefully that'll get you past that linker error from the PCP-Combine
tool.  Please let me know how it goes and if you run into any more

John Halley-Gotway
MET Help support team

> Hi met_help,
> I am trying to compile METv1.0 and I am stuck on message downthere:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> pcp_combine/pcp_combine.cc:574: undefined reference to
> `NcFile::__ct(char const *, NcFil
> e::FileMode, unsigned int *, unsigned int, NcFile::FileFormat)'
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I followed all instructions using fist netcdf-3.6.2 and netcdf-3.6.1
> but I am getting the same message.
> Please find in attachment two files "Makefile" and "make_met.log"
> I will appreciate your help to resolve that obstacle.
> With my best regards,
> Bosko Telenta

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