[Met_help] problems compiling MET

Michael Brennan Michael.J.Brennan at noaa.gov
Tue Apr 1 11:59:35 MDT 2008


Thanks. I remember dealing with the "-fno-second-underscore" option when 
compiling other software packages, always fun!!

I've pasted the output of the command below. It looks like it has "bort 
exit_", with only one "_". I wonder if there is some other problem?


mbrennan at lnx274> nm /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/libbufr.a | grep bort
                  U bort_
0000000000000000 T bort_
                  U bort_exit_
0000000000000000 T bort2_
                  U bort_exit_
0000000000000000 T bort_exit_
                  U bort_
                  U bort_
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John Halley Gotway wrote:
> Mike,
> Hmmm.  That's odd.  The "-fno-second-underscore" option is meant to 
> address this exact issue.
> Please try doing the following command:
> nm /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB/libbufr.a | grep bort
> And then send me the output of the command.
> In the output of the "nm" command, look to see if there's a line that 
> says "bort_exit_" or does it say "bort_exit__"?
> We need to compile BUFRLIB in such a way that it says "bort_exit_" 
> rather than "bort_exit__".
> Sorry about these issues.  It's a result of mixing FORTRAN code with C++ 
> code.
> John
> Michael Brennan wrote:
>> John,
>> I had not seen those suggestions in the User's Guide. I rebuilt the 
>> BUFRLIB as you suggested and rebuilt MET. I get the same error (have 
>> reattached the Makefile and make_met.log.  I'll spend some more time 
>> on it this afternoon and let you know if I make any progress.
>> Thanks again for your help!
>> Mike
>> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>>> Michael,
>>> When you compiled BUFRLIB, did you see the suggestions in the MET 
>>> User's Guide about it?  Please take a look in section 2.6 of the MET 
>>> User's Guide (METv1.0/doc/MET_Users_Guide.pdf).  Try rebuilding 
>>> BUFRLIB using the following commands that are listed in there:
>>> cd /export/lnx274/mbrennan/BUFRLIB
>>> rm *.o *.a
>>> /usr/bin/gcc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
>>> /usr/bin/g77 -c -DUNDERSCORE -fno-second-underscore *.f
>>> ar crv libbufr.a *.o
>>> Then try rebuilding MET.  Hopefully, that'll fix that undefined 
>>> reference error you're seeing right now.
>>> Let me know how it goes.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> Michael Brennan wrote:
>>>> John,
>>>> Thanks very much for your suggestion. I definitely made it farther 
>>>> this time, but still ended up with an error, this time related to 
>>>> the BUFRLIB. I've again attached the Makefile and make_met.log. If 
>>>> you can take another look, I'd greatly appreciate it!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mike
>>>> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>>>>> Michael,
>>>>> I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.  Most of the people 
>>>>> who provide support for MET were out of town last week.
>>>>> Thanks for sending along your Makefile and your log file.  It makes 
>>>>> diagnosing the problem a lot easier.
>>>>> This looks like a pretty simple problem.  The compiler is not able 
>>>>> to find the file "gsl/gsl_cdf.h".
>>>>> In your Makefile, change the following line...
>>>>> FROM: GSL_INCS = -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include/gsl
>>>>> TO:   GSL_INCS = -I/export/lnx274/mbrennan/gsl/include
>>>>> And then do a "make clean" followed by a "make >& make_met.log".
>>>>> I see why you set GSL_INCS the way you did - the comments in the 
>>>>> Makefile are a little misleading.
>>>>> That should solve that problem.  Please let me know if you run into 
>>>>> other issues.
>>>>> Thanks and sorry again for the delay,
>>>>> John Halley-Gotway
>>>>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>>>>> Michael Brennan wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'm attempting to compile MET in user space on a Linux 
>>>>>> workstation. I have all the necessary other software installed 
>>>>>> (NETCDF, BURFLIB, GSL, and F2C), and I've updated the code 
>>>>>> suggested on the "known issues" page. However, I'm still having 
>>>>>> problems. I've attached make make_met.log file and my top level 
>>>>>> Makefile.
>>>>>> I'm trying to use pre-compiled NETCDF libraries for compiling MET. 
>>>>>> Could that be part of the problem?
>>>>>> I appreciate any advice you might have.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Mike
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