[ISP-mc] ISP Project-Frontier matrix.xlsx

Paula Robinson probinso at ucar.edu
Wed Feb 24 12:32:34 MST 2010


I am attaching a (very preliminary) draft of a matrix that shows ISP 
projects according to the NCAR Strategic Plan elements that they 
address. This qualitative analysis will lay the groundwork for ABR 
materials that show how ISP as a whole supports critical imperatives and 
frontiers of the institution at large.

As you will see, some of the data is missing and some is possibly 
inaccurate. Your homework is to review the strategic plan elements and 
(a) assign your project to them accordingly, then (b) estimate a 
percentage of the effort that is expended toward each of the elements 
you have identified with your project.   To keep the matrix reasonable 
and balanced, each project should be focused on the 2-3 imperatives that 
are most strongly addressed by the project.  Some of the ISP projects 
have a broad reach, but spreading the links too thin will not 
necessarily provide a strong picture in the ABR analysis.

The deadline on this home work is a soon as possible -- if you can look 
at this and get it to me by Monday 3/1, that would be great.  Please let 
me know what is possible.

We will discuss this and the budget briefly in today's meeting, but then 
will spend the bulk of the time on the ASP Postdoc agenda item (see 
Peter's message on this).

Best Regards,

Paula M. Robinson, CMP
Program Specialist and Administrator
NCAR Integrated Science Program
PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 USA
303-497-2642 - probinso at ucar.edu

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