[ISP-mc] ISP.POP.Projects (response by 5-5)

Paula Robinson probinso at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 27 16:41:54 MDT 2010

Dear ISP Project Leads,

As you may be aware, the NCAR labs and divisions are in the process of 
creating a Program Operating Plan (POP) for FY11.  Fortunately, this 
differs from the ABR for ISP, because we have a report from last year as 
a reference.  A couple of the projects will have more substantial 
editing than others, particularly NVIA.  Your assistance would be most 
helpful here. Please take a look at the attached project reports, and 
send me revisions to your milestones and project outcome/impact as you 
see them for FY11.  For many of you, it may be possible to draw from the 
proposal that you submitted to ISP in January of this year.  Please let 
me know if I can send you that, or if there is something else you need 
to complete the task.

Since we want to comply with all relevant deadlines, it would be helpful
if I had your input by WEDNESDAY, MAY 5.

Thank you,

Paula M. Robinson, CMP
Program Specialist and Administrator
NCAR Integrated Science Program
PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 USA
303-497-2642 - probinso at ucar.edu

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