[GTP] Seminar at NCAR of GTP interest-Peter Sullivan

Silvia Gentile sgentile at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 29 17:08:54 MDT 2012

Transient evolution of Langmuir turbulence in the ocean boundary layer 
driven by hurricane winds and waves
Peter P. Sullivan, NCAR
Tuesday, 10 April, 2012
Time: 3:30pm
Location: Mesa Laboratory, Main Seminar Room
In high winds the ocean boundary layer (OBL) deepens under the 
influences of surface cooling, wind induced shear, and Stokes drift 
generated Langmuir turbulence. We examine the combined impact of these 
processes by carrying out large-eddy simulations (LESs) of the hurricane 
forced OBL. The surface wind and wave fields input to the LES are 
products derived from the spectral wave prediction model WaveWatch III. 
The high amplitude transient winds drive wind-waves and swell that are 
most often mis-aligned with the local winds, and the wavy OBL responds 
by developing temporally and spatially transient Langmuir turbulence. 
The Langmuir cells tend to track the local winds on the resonant side of 
the storm track and become vigorous at the time of maximum winds. An 
opposite pattern happens on the non-resonant side of the storm as cells 
weaken and become nearly non-existent. We discuss how these coherent 
structures impact the mean currents, SST, vertical velocity moments, and 
entrainment at the thermocline.

For more information contact Gaylynn Potemkin, potemkin at ucar.edu or x1618

Silvia Gentile
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO 80305
303 497 2480

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