[GTP] GTP Joint Seminar- Daniel Spicer

Silvia Gentile sgentile at ucar.edu
Fri Oct 16 11:43:01 MDT 2009

Joint GTP HAO Seminar

Critical Examination of the Fundamental Assumptions of Solar Flare and 
CME Models

Daniel S. Spicer (Drexel University)

The fundamental assumptions of conventional solar flare and CME theory 
are examined. In particular, the common assumption that magnetic energy 
that drives flares and CMEs can be stored {\it insitu} with sufficient 
energy density is found wanting. In addition, the observational 
constraint that flares and CMEs must produce non-thermal electrons with 
energies of order 10-20KeV with electron fluxes of order 
$10^{34}-10^{36}$ electrons/s to explain the observed hard X-rays when 
imposed on the 'standard model' for flares and CMEs is found to miss the 
mark by many orders of magnitude. We suggest, in conclusion, there are 
really only two possible ways to explain the requirements of 
observations and theory: flares and CMEs are caused by mass loaded 
prominence or driven directly by emerging magnetized flux.

Wednesday, Oct 21, 1:30pm
NCAR CG-1, room 2126

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