[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: Consider a Post-doc with NOAA's Science On a Sphere (due Jan. 2)

Gabriella Meltzer gm2477 at nyu.edu
Mon Jan 15 19:09:25 MST 2024

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On Dec 8, 2023, at 7:06 PM, Scott Briggs via Grad-postdoc-assn <grad-postdoc-assn at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Anne Gold <Anne.U.Gold at colorado.edu>
> Date: Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 4:12 PM
> Subject: Consider a Post-doc with NOAA's Science On a Sphere (due Jan. 2)
> To: <GEOED-RESEARCH at list.msu.edu>
> Interested in Research focused on Data Visualization and Science Education using NOAA’s Science On a Sphere (SOS)? Applications for 2-year CIRES Postdoctoral Fellow are open now (due Jan. 2, 2024). See the attached flyer for more information. 
> If you are interested, please contact Anne Gold (anne.u.gold at colorado.edu) to discuss your research idea(s). Application Deadline: January 2, 2024. Visit the VFP webpage for more information. 
> The 2-year CIRES Visiting Fellows program is open now for applications to work with CIRES researchers, including the CIRES Education & Outreach Program and NOAA’s Science on a Sphere. We are looking for interested candidates to work with our team to conduct innovative research that focuses on using NOAA’s Science On a Sphere (SOS) data and tools in formal education. Research would broadly focus on supporting learners’ sensemaking of environmental science data (Next Generation Science Standard Practices) and/or studying effective and innovative ways of scaffolding the use of SOS’ environmental datasets in classrooms. The Postdoctoral Fellow would work closely with the Director of the CIRES Education & Outreach Program, Anne Gold, the School of Education at CU Boulder and the Science On a Sphere team. 
> What is Science On a Sphere (SOS)? The NOAA Science On a Sphere (SOS) program aims to help people understand the world around them. At the heart of the program are the Science On a Sphere and SOS Explorer technologies with their accompanying data catalogs. Science On a Sphere is a room-sized, global display system that projects visualizations of planetary data onto a six foot diameter sphere to help illustrate Earth System science to people of all ages and SOS Explorer is a flat-screen version that is available as a desktop application and a mobile app. The software comes to life when paired with the data catalog. The catalog contains over 600 dataset visualizations that include nearly 100 narrated movies and 50 real-time datasets. As part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, most of the catalog is related to Earth science topics, such as climate models, sea surface temperatures, weather, atmospheric chemistry, and tsunamis. There are also some datasets in the fields of astronomy, history, social science, public health, and more. The visualizations in our catalog are engaging, informative, and awe-inspiring. 
> Global Distribution of Sites: Science On a Sphere and SOS Explorer can be found in hundreds of science museums, aquariums, zoos, schools and universities, visitor centers, government laboratories, and many more locations around the world, in addition to classrooms and people’s personal mobile devices. Millions of people see them every year and are a rich population for a research study. 
> If you are interested, please contact Anne Gold (anne.u.gold at colorado.edu) to discuss your research idea(s). Application Deadline: January 2, 2024. Visit the VFP webpage for more information. Our team is excited to collaborate with interested applicants to compile a strong and innovative proposal. We encourage applications from members of groups under-represented in the environmental sciences and related disciplines. 
> -- 
> Scott Briggs (he/him/his)
> Administrator
> Advanced Study Program
> Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
> National Center For Atmospheric Research
> phone: 303.497.1607
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