[Grad-postdoc-assn] NOAA Explorer-In-Training Internship Opportunity

Dawn Mullally mullally at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 2 14:53:26 MST 2024

Hi Folks,

I just wanted to share this opportunity for any students you may know. It
is a really unique internship, with some taking place onboard the NOAA
*Okeanos* ship which is the only federally funded ship utilized exclusively
for ocean exploration.

Since 2009, NOAA Ocean Exploration and CPAESS/UCAR have hosted over 170
<https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/explorers/welcome.html>. The program
equips participants with skills to meet the current and future demands of
the ocean exploration workforce, providing meaningful experiential learning
opportunities that support NOAA Ocean Exploration’s mission and inspire
ocean literacy for the next generation. The program features two internship

(a) 2 to 4-week expedition-based opportunities and

(b) 10-week summertime opportunities. The 10-week internships give students
an opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge through long-term
projects supported by NOAA Ocean Exploration mentors. The 2 to 4-week
expedition-based internships involve participation in specific NOAA Ocean
Exploration-supported expeditions, giving participants the chance to
contribute to mission efforts while gaining tangible skills that can
benefit their future pursuits. For 2024, both 10-week summer internships
and 2 to 4-week expedition-based opportunities will be available.
[image: Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 2.50.51 PM.png]

The Explorer-in-Training Program offers multiple internship themes to
reflect NOAA Ocean Exploration’s diverse expertise, work products, and
services. These themes are designed to be interdisciplinary and reflect the
office’s main focus areas while providing training in critical ocean
exploration mission fields.

*Find out more about this unique opportunity here
<https://cpaess.ucar.edu/explorer-in-training-program>. *

*The deadline to apply is January 31, 2024.*

*I acknowledge and honor the Cheyenne, Ute, and Arapaho Tribes, and their
land upon which UCAR | NCAR stands.  Find out w
<https://native-land.ca/>hose land you are on <https://native-land.ca/>.*

*Dawn Mullally, PMP* | CPAESS Communications Manager (she/her)
Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS)
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
P.O. Box 3000  |  Boulder, Colorado 80307
303.497.8632 <(303)-497-8632>  |  mullally at ucar.edu |  cpaess.uc
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