[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: Postdoc opportunity: Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship in Indigenous Knowledge Systems for the Anthropocene at Arizona State University.

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Fri Feb 23 07:12:00 MST 2024

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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Steven Semken <semken at asu.edu>
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 7:03 AM
Subject: Postdoc opportunity: Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship in
Indigenous Knowledge Systems for the Anthropocene at Arizona State
To: <GEOED-RESEARCH at list.msu.edu>

The Schools of Earth and Space Exploration, Life Science, and Human
Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University (ASU)—collectively
as part of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences—invite applications for
two Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow positions in *Indigenous Knowledge
Systems* integrated with research in any area of life, environmental,
social, or Earth science related to global change. Global change has
resulted in alterations in climate, biodiversity, health, and well-being,
affecting local to global ecosystems and human communities. This invitation
recognizes that the contributions of Indigenous Knowledge Systems to
sustainability, resilience, placemaking, and relationship to Earth systems
are essential for creating more holistic, long-term solutions to the
pressing global problems of the Anthropocene.

Applications can be submitted online via https://apply.interfolio.com/140334
materials should include a Curriculum Vitae; a letter of interest
describing how you meet the qualifications noted above; and contact
information for three references including email addresses. Application
deadline is March 13, 2024.

More information can be found here: https://apply.interfolio.com/140334

*Steven Semken, Ph.D., C.I.G. (he)*

Professor of Geology and Education • Senior Global Futures Scientist

School of Earth and Space Exploration

*Arizona State University*

Tempe, Arizona 85287-1404 USA

*semken.asu.edu <http://semken.asu.edu>*

Scott Briggs (he/him/his)
Program Specialist II

Advanced Study Program
Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
NSF National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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