[Grad-postdoc-assn] Tues: Day of Science and Discovery at NCAR

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Mon Sep 4 07:30:34 MDT 2023

Dear all,

Tomorrow's NCAR Day of Science and Discovery at Center Green will be an
excellent opportunity to:

   - Learn about the research at NCAR that is most cutting edge and what
   NCAR is interested in
   - Network with NCAR people and visiting guests from NOAA, etc.
   - Get free food - a catered lunch at 12 pm and a 4 pm reception!

If you are looking for ideas to fertilize your mind on project ideas and
people to brainstorm and collaborate with, go to the talks most interesting
to you, and introduce yourself to speakers and others. - Val

NCAR Day of Science and Discovery

Tuesday, September 5
 Day of Science and Discovery

Tue, September 5, 8:45am – 6:00pm
DescriptionSave the date for the 2023 Day of Science and Discovery!
This event will be held in the Center Green Auditoriums or you can join
virtually: *Zoom link*
discovery1) *Slido link*

*8:45 a.m.*  Welcome to the Day of Science and Discovery

*Led by Everette Joseph, NCAR Director; and Bill Kuo, UCP Director*

*9:00 a.m. *Plenary Session 1: Building on our core capabilities in
modeling, data assimilation and infrastructure to enable Earth system

*Led by Neil Jacobs, Chief Science Advisor for the Unified Forecast System;
and Gretchen Mullendore, MMM Director*


   - David John Gagne: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
   - Tom Auligne: Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
   - Sheri Mickelson: An NCAR-led community software facility
   - Bill Skamarock: EarthWorks
   - Q&A

*10:15 a.m.* Break (Coffee and Tea with pastries)

*10:45 a.m.* Plenary Session 2: Emerging observational capabilities of the
Sun-Earth system

*Led by Mohan Ramamurthy, Unidata Director; and Holly Gilbert, HAO Director*


   - Maurice Wilson and Sarah Gibson: UCoMP/COSMO:
   - Jan-Peter Weiss: COSMIC
   - Wen-Chau Lee: APAR
   - Ryan May: Unidata’s emerging future directions
   - Q&A

*12:00 p.m*. Lunch at Center Green provided by UCAR Event Services

*1:15 p.m.* Plenary Session 3: Accelerating Earth system research to meet
societal priorities

*Led by Chris Davis, EdEC Deputy Director; and Cindy Bruyere, CPAESS Deputy
Director *


   - Kelly Barsanti: Wildfires
   - Melissa Moulton: Marine ecosystems and climate change
   - Ethan Gutmann: Hydrometeorology
   - James Done: Climate change and insurance industry
   - Discussion
   - Yaga Richter: Earth system predictability and prediction\
   - ESPP Discussion

*2:45 p.m. *Break (Coffee and tea)

*3:00 p.m.* Plenary Session 4: Science Education: Expanding our reach and
building for the future. *Led by Liz Mulvihill (Page) Director, UCAR
Community Programs Education and Training Center at UCARand Rebecca
Haacker, Director of NCAR Education, Engagement and Early-Career

*Panel discussion: *Cross-institutional collaboration in education and

   - Panelists: Evy McUmber (EdEC), Gunter Leguy (CGD/EdEC), Kadidia Thiero
   (SOARS), Jeff Weber (Unidata)

*3:55 p.m.* Closing remarks by Bill Kuo and Everette Joseph

*4:00 p.m.* Reception at Center Green catered by UCAR Event Services

*6:00 p.m. *Close

*Director of NCAR Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
**Associate Director of NCAR*
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