[Grad-postdoc-assn] NPA SmartSkills: Obtaining a Faculty Position

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Wed Oct 18 09:40:55 MDT 2023

Friendly reminder that this event is next Tuesday!


On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 8:21 AM Scott Briggs <sbriggs at ucar.edu> wrote:

> This looks like a good opportunity to learn more about obtaining a faculty
> position.
> NCAR/UCP postdocs, please remember that you can join the NPA free of
> charge using your affiliation with your @ucar.edu email address.
> Best,
> Scott
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: National Postdoctoral Association <contact at nationalpostdoc.org>
> Date: Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 5:13 AM
> Subject: NPA SmartSkills: Obtaining a Faculty Position
> To: <sbriggs at ucar.edu>
> [image: NPA logo banner]
> <https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.nationalpostdoc.org%2F/1/0100018b23972ba1-ba19c267-92b8-41e1-a9e3-66cbde551c5c-000000/yFJEs4MZj6Y8tlYneXRN7vF2b9A=343>
> *NPA SmartSkills Obtaining a Faculty Position Tuesday, October 24 3 p.m.
> ET*
> Progressing from postdoctoral training to a faculty appointment is a
> daunting transition, and may be especially challenging to those who have
> followed a less-than-conventional path or whose peers have lost interest in
> academic careers. How should you prepare for and progress through the
> application process, which takes approximately one year, and what should
> you expect at each step? Good preparation and careful planning are
> important, as is managing expectations to avoid becoming discouraged early
> in the process. We will cover how to go about choosing, applying,
> interviewing, negotiating, transitioning, and getting started in your
> faculty position.
> Register here
> <https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.nationalpostdoc.org%2Fpage%2FSmartSkills/1/0100018b23972ba1-ba19c267-92b8-41e1-a9e3-66cbde551c5c-000000/DSlfCBkzabT3p3JPd5XhuQzBeBg=343>
> *Speaker: Jim O. Vigoreaux, Ph.D., Breazzano Family Green & Gold Professor
> of Biology, joint professor of molecular physiology & biophysics,
> University of Vermont*
> [image: NPA text logo]
> <https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.nationalpostdoc.org%2F/2/0100018b23972ba1-ba19c267-92b8-41e1-a9e3-66cbde551c5c-000000/bN5Y7RfY9mrfMkhkI3XlumdqSkw=343>
> *15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300 | Rockville, MD 20855*
> (301) 984-4800
> https://www.nationalpostdoc.org
> <https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.nationalpostdoc.org/1/0100018b23972ba1-ba19c267-92b8-41e1-a9e3-66cbde551c5c-000000/8ROBMORQtI9Mj4SqotxDAK5BY0M=343>
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> If you would like to unsubscribe:
> http://www.nationalpostdoc.org/members/EmailOptPreferences.aspx?id=66663934&e=sbriggs@ucar.edu&h=34cb3c167b172c5a268debf84fc4b41ad23eb981
> --
> Scott Briggs (he/him/his)
> Administrator
> Advanced Study Program
> Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
> National Center For Atmospheric Research
> *phone: 303.497.1607*

Scott Briggs (he/him/his)

Advanced Study Program
Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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