[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: [Bulletinboards] ATOC Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Ruby Leung - October 11, 11 am - 12 pm (MDT)

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Fri Oct 6 10:40:46 MDT 2023


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Keila DeBellis <kdebellis at ucar.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 12:57 PM
Subject: [Bulletinboards] ATOC Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Ruby Leung -
October 11, 11 am - 12 pm (MDT)
To: Bulletinboards <bulletinboards at ucar.edu>

Please share with anyone that may be interested.

* Fall 2023 ATOC Distinguished Lecture:*

*Modeling extreme events and their future changes*

*Dr. Ruby Leung*

More information about Dr. Leung can be found at this link

 Wednesday, October 11

In person: University of Colorado Boulder, in SEEC S228

11 am - 12 pm (MDT)

or  Join us via Zoom <https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/93526110409>

Meeting ID: 935 2611 0409  Passcode: ATOC

If dialing in is easier use this link
<https://cuboulder.zoom.us/u/aeBD70Gx3C> to find your phone number

Some of the most consequential outcomes of global warming for societies and
ecosystems are changes in extreme events. Comparing 2000-2019 with
1980-1999, extreme temperature and flood events have more than doubled
globally while the number of disastrous storms and droughts has increased
by 30-50%. While the nonlinear increase in latent energy with warmer
surface air temperature may explain the global increasing trends in weather
extremes, credible projections of the regional changes in extreme events
and changes in different types of extreme events remain challenging, partly
because of model limitations in simulating the extreme events. In this
presentation, I will discuss some recent advances in modeling extreme
events and their future changes. Using a hierarchy of different modeling
approaches, we investigate how mesoscale convective systems, atmospheric
rivers, and hurricanes may respond to global warming and connect future
storm changes to changes in the storm environments.

We hope to see you there!


ATOC's Fest and Distinguished Lecture Committee

(Julia Moriarty, Xinyue Wang, and Chris Wyburn Powell)

For more information: Julia.Moriarty at colorado.edu
<Julia.Moriarty at colorado.edu>

Scott Briggs (he/him/his)

Advanced Study Program
Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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