[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: [UCAR-Africa-Initiative] Seminar on Aug 1st: Drought and fire in Africa

Anna del Moral Mendez delmoral at ucar.edu
Mon Jul 24 15:04:25 MDT 2023

Dear all,

>From the UCAR Africa Initiative we are pleased to announce that our first
seminar of the UCAR Africa Initiative Seminar Series will be given by* Dr.
Yan Jiang* (UCSD) on *Tuesday, Aug 1st 10 am - 11 am (MT).*

Title: Heart of Drought: Long-term Changes in Rainfall and Wildfires in
Central Africa

The meeting will be hybrid.
*Location*: FL2-1001, NCAR foothills
*Webcast*: https://operations.ucar.edu/live-africa-initiative

*Feel free to share this meeting with anyone who might be interested.*

A calendar invitation will be sent out soon.

See attached for the seminar abstract.

If you attend virtually, you will be able to access the seminar via the
webcast link (no password required) and use Slido during the seminar to ask
questions. More information about using Slido will be provided during
the seminar.

Hope to see you there!

Wenfu, Anna, and Kelly
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