[Grad-postdoc-assn] Session #4 Next Week - NCAR/UCP Postdoc Grant Writing & Management Series

Mariana Cains mgcains at ucar.edu
Thu Oct 27 10:34:14 MDT 2022

Good morning, postdocs and early career researchers!

This is a quick reminder that our fourth seminar in the NCAR/UCP
Postdoc Grant Writing & Management Series is *next Thursday (November 3rd)
at 9:30 AM MT!* You should have already received a calendar invitation to
the event in the last couple of weeks, so we're looking forward to seeing
you there.

This session will focus on the content of the project logistics portions of
proposals (e.g., budget, timeline, project management). If you already have
questions regarding project logistics, you can add them to Slido
<https://app.sli.do/event/f64KrEjxPi4TTRMs11Pm1u>. Please see the event
information and flyer below for additional details and feel free to contact
me (mgcains at ucar.edu), Kelly Núñez Ocasio (knocasio at ucar.edu), and Erin
Dougherty (doughert at ucar.edu) if you have questions.

You can also find the recordings and materials from the previous three
sessions here.

We'll see you all next week!
Mariana, Kelly, and Erin

*On behalf of the NCAR/UCP Fellows Professional Development Committee*

*Calendar and Access Information:*
NCAR/UCP Postdoc Grant Writing & Management Series: Project Logistics
Thursday, November 3 · 09:30 – 11:00 MT
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/fwc-obpr-trm
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 352-453-0865‬ PIN: ‪962 132 905‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/fwc-obpr-trm?pin=2874526611501


*Mariana Goodall Cains **|* *Postdoc Fellow II*
Weather Risks and Decisions in Society (WRaDS)
Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Lab (MMM)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
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