[Grad-postdoc-assn] Writing a DEI statement

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Wed Oct 19 09:49:07 MDT 2022

 Good morning,

Just a reminder that there's a session on writing a DEI statement coming up
in a few minutes at 10 am MT.  - Val

[image: Elijah Johnson]
Oct 11, 2022 3:24 PM  |  [image: attachment]  view attached
Elijah Johnson
Are you a* student or early-career professional* anticipating applying to
academic positions and noticed that the application requires a *DEI
Do you have *experience working with DEI initiatives* and/or *employing DEI
strategies in your teaching or research*, but you don't know how to *leverage
it in your statement*?
The AGU Education Section's Student and Early Working Group asks that you
join us online on October 19th at 9 am PDT where our special guest, Dr.
Darryl Reano, will host a workshop to address these questions and more!

*Register here (required): forms.gle/JDdmtnzZBTapGqsT9
<https://forms.gle/JDdmtnzZBTapGqsT9>. *

Spread the word!

Elijah Johnson (he/him/his)
Graduate Candidate, Instructor
NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Earth System Science, PhD
Department of Geosciences, Auburn University
etj0011 at auburn.edu
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