[Grad-postdoc-assn] Need speakers for intern workshop - graduate fellowship proposals

Jerry Cyccone cyccone at ucar.edu
Thu Jun 23 13:35:39 MDT 2022

Hi all,

I hope this email finds you well.

We are looking for two volunteers who can share their experience writing
graduate fellowship proposals (like the NSF Graduate Fellowships) or
science proposals with a group of ~40 undergraduate and graduate NCAR/UCAR
summer interns as part of our Professional Development Workshop Series
<https://edec.ucar.edu/students/being-intern-ncar>. We are putting
together a panel of 2-3 speakers, one will be a scientist at NCAR and we
are looking for 1-2 graduate students or postdocs to round out the

We are meeting July 7th from 9-11am MT via zoom.

If you have written proposals as a graduate student and can participate,
please contact me.

Thank you!

Jerry M. Cyccone (he/they)
NCAR Education, Engagement & Early-Career Development
Student Program Coordinator
Office: (303) 497-2755
Cell: (727) 458-8081
cyccone at ucar.edu

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