[Grad-postdoc-assn] Job at NREL: numerical weather prediction

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Thu Jun 9 09:26:30 MDT 2022

Good morning!

I came across this via LinkedIn. See the job description and qualifications
needed below. - Val

Senior Atmospheric and Marine Researcher
NREL - Golden, Colorado

*Job Description*

The National Wind Technology Center at the NREL Flatiron’s Campus is
seeking a qualified candidate with a strong background in atmospheric
sciences to join the wind energy sciences team to support offshore
atmospheric sciences research.  The candidate is expected to focus on the
marine environment and applications to the growing offshore wind industry.
We are therefore seeking a researcher with a strong background in the
theory, numerical modeling, and simulation of the atmosphere, ocean, and
their interaction.

In particular, we seek a candidate with in-depth knowledge of marine
boundary layer processes, numerical weather prediction modeling for
offshore wind energy applications, improving numerical weather prediction
models for the marine atmospheric boundary layer (e.g., coupling with ocean
or wave models), wind resource assessment techniques, and validation or
assimilation of model simulations with observations. The successful
candidate has knowledge of climate simulations and the effect of climate
change on offshore wind energy, and/or experience in simulating extreme
events (hurricanes). The candidate can expect to develop and apply new
modeling techniques for marine atmospheric flows within WRF and LES codes,
conduct and assess simulations, use observations from remote sensing
instruments to perform validation, generate wind resource assessments, and
to identify and tackle the latest research questions in marine atmospheric
sciences and offshore wind energy.

The successful candidate is expected to demonstrate a broad understanding
of atmospheric principles, theories, and concepts.  The researcher will
work with the US Department of Energy Wind Energy Technology Office, with
other national laboratories, industry partners, and the international
community to execute projects and promote the wind energy industry.

We offer a unique collaborative environment with world-renowned scientists
in the area of renewable energy and atmospheric sciences. The scientist
will be involved in strategic research decisions at NREL and within the
research community in the U.S.

Basic Qualifications

For Researcher IV level
Relevant PhD and 4 or more years of experience . Or, relevant Master's
Degree and 7 or more years of experience . Or, relevant Bachelor's Degree
and 9 or more years of experience .

For Researcher V level
Relevant PhD and 9 or more years of experience . Or, relevant Master's
Degree and 12 or more years of experience . Or, relevant Bachelor's Degree
and 14 or more years of experience

Additional Required Qualifications

   - The candidate will have excellent writing, interpersonal, and
   communication skills and will be expected to publish results in high-impact
   technical journals and present work at conferences, symposia, and review
   - The candidate will also be expected to support the development of new
   work proposals, preparations, and reviews as well as have a record of
   publications in high-impact factor journals
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