[Grad-postdoc-assn] Ocean Internship Opportunity for undergrad and graduate students!

Dawn Mullally mullally at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 22 13:41:16 MST 2022

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UCAR | CPAESS and NOAA Ocean Exploration are excited to announce that the
application for the 2023 Explorer-in-Training Program
<https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/training.html> is now open!

This year, the Explorer-in-Training Program will feature two paid
internship options: (a) 2 to 4-week expedition-based opportunities
supporting seafloor mapping operations on the Okeanos Explorer and (b)
10-week summertime opportunities. The 10-week internships give participants
an experiential learning opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge
through long-term projects supported by NOAA Ocean Exploration mentors. The
expedition-based internships provide support for specific NOAA Ocean
Exploration expeditions, giving participants the chance to contribute to
mission efforts while gaining tangible skills that benefit their future
pursuits. Applicants may apply for both internship options via a single
application form. Please see below for eligibility requirements and
application instructions:



   U.S. citizenship

   Currently enrolled students (undergraduate or graduate) or recent
   graduates whose completed their degree programs the previous year; must be
   enrolled in or have received a degree from an accredited academic

   Degree, major, or intent to major in a field relevant to NOAA Ocean
   Exploration’s mission; these can include, but are not limited to: STEM
   (science, technology, engineering and math) fields, social sciences,
   communications, education, and/or ocean policy/management

   Willingness to learn and follow NOAA Ocean Exploration’s office and
   shipboard standard operating procedures

Application Requirements

This year, the Explorer-in-Training Program will feature two internship
options: (a) 2 to 4-week expedition-based opportunities and (b) 10-week
summertime opportunities. Applicants may apply for both internship options
via a single application form. To learn more about projects available for
2023, please visit the Explorer-in-Training
<https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/training.html> website.


   Submission of online application form

   Short answer response to each of the following prompts:

      What attracts you to ocean exploration? (maximum 250 words; this
      question is required)

      What are your expectations for an Explorer-in-Training internship?
      What skills and/or experience are you hoping to gain to advance
your future
      career goals? (maximum 500 words; this question is required; if you
      are applying for both the 10-week summer internship and the 2-4
      expedition-based hydrography/seafloor mapping opportunities,
please address
      your expectations for both of those programs here)

      NOAA Ocean Exploration is committed to advancing diversity, equity,
      inclusion, and accessibility. Tell us about your journey and how
you would
      like to contribute to NOAA Ocean Exploration's goal of creating a more
      diverse global pool of talent engaged in deep ocean exploration. (maximum
      500 words; this question is optional)

   Current resume or curriculum vitae (Note: if you have never created a CV
   before, here is some guidance from the National Science Foundation

   Contact information for at least one academic (professor, advisor,
   teacher, etc.) and one character reference (community member, work
   supervisor, mentor, etc.). These references should be able to speak to
   your character and your professional and/or academic background.

Please submit all application requirements via this Google Form
<https://forms.gle/7SGLJMigo71NTana9>. Applications for the 2-4 week
expedition-based opportunities will be accepted on a rolling basis, with a
priority deadline of January 31st, 2023. After this priority deadline,
applications will still be accepted until all slots are filled for the 2023
field season. Applications for the 10-week shore-based opportunities will
be accepted until January 31st, 2023.

If you have any questions, need guidance, or experience technical
difficulties, please contact NOAA Ocean Exploration Internship Program
Coordinator, Trish Albano, at oer.explorerintraining at noaa.gov.

More information about the Explorer-in-Training Program can be found on NOAA
Ocean Exploration’s website
<https://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/okeanos/training.html> and on the UCAR/CPAESS
website <https://cpaess.ucar.edu/explorer-in-training-program>.

*I acknowledge and honor the Cheyenne, Ute, and Arapaho Tribes, and their
land upon which UCAR | NCAR stands.  Find out w
<https://native-land.ca/>hose land you are on <https://native-land.ca/>.*

*Dawn Mullally, PMP* | CPAESS Communications Manager (she/her)

Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS)
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
P.O. Box 3000  |  Boulder, Colorado 80307
303.497.8632 <(303)-497-8632>  |  mullally at ucar.edu |  cpaess.uc
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