[Grad-postdoc-assn] NSF Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE-PRF)

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Thu Aug 25 13:02:11 MDT 2022

Good afternoon,

Please note that the updated OCE PRF solicitation has just been posted by
NSF. There are about 15 awards to be made. Please share with others.

Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE-PRF)

*Synopsis of Program:*

The Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) offers postdoctoral research
fellowships (PRF) to provide opportunities for scientists early in their
careers to work within and across traditional disciplinary lines, develop
partnerships, and avail themselves of unique research resources, sites and
facilities. The fellowship program is intended to provide beginning
investigators of significant potential with experiences that will establish
them in positions of leadership in the scientific community. During tenure,
Fellows affiliate with a host research organization(s) and conduct research
on topics supported by OCE or other ocean-related NSF programs. Fellowships
will include participation in a professional development program that
emphasizes development of mentoring skills and that coordinates the
involvement of Fellows in conferences and activities that are focused on
increasing the engagement of underrepresented groups in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Principal Investigators
must be U.S. citizens, nationals or permanent residents. Principal
Investigators who are women, veterans, persons with disabilities, and
underrepresented minorities in STEM, or who have attended community
colleges and minority-serving institutions (e.g. Historically Black
Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Hispanic
Serving Institutions, Alaska Native Serving Institutions, and Hawaiian
Native and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions) are especially encouraged
to apply.

 *Who May Serve as PI:*

To be eligible to submit a proposal to the OCE-PRF Program, an individual
must, as of the full proposal target date, meet all the following criteria:

   - Be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident (i.e., have a
   "green card") at the time the proposal is submitted;
   - Have earned the doctoral degree (PhD), or expect to have earned the
   doctoral degree prior to the required start date of the fellowship;
   - Not have worked for more than a total of 24 full-time-equivalent
   months in positions that require the doctoral degree;
   - Present a project plan that falls within the purview of NSF's Division
   of Ocean Sciences oceanographic research priorities; and
   - Not have submitted concurrently the same project to another program.
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