[Grad-postdoc-assn] Workshop on Writing a Research Statement, NCAR Postdoc Prof. Dev. Event

Kangning Huang knhuang at ucar.edu
Thu Sep 30 16:16:55 MDT 2021

Good afternoon,

Please join us on October 14 (Thurs) at 9:30 am MT for the NCAR Fellows Postdoctoral Professional Development Series event:

Writing a Research Statement - a flipped workshop.

By joining the workshop, you will be able to get hands-on experience on writing an exciting research statement for academic job applications. Before the workshop, you will watch a video of a previous panel to learn the basics and write an outline or a draft; during the workshop, we will apply what we’ve learned in the video to provide feedback on each other’s statement.

Register in advance for this workshop here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsduqspj0vHdTWAf5dnJxCUlC6CMfqRP_l <https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsduqspj0vHdTWAf5dnJxCUlC6CMfqRP_l>

After registration, you will receive two links: 
A previously recorded panel discussion on writing a research statement, in which you will learn the basics and past experiences of successful job applicants.
A folder for you to upload a 1-page detailed outline or 2-page draft of your research statement, preferably with a link to the job post you’re applying for.

To ensure that we will have enough time to read each other’s statement before the workshop, we strongly encourage you to submit the detailed outline / draft by October 12 (Tue), 12pm.

We look forward to having you join us!

Kangning (Ken) Huang

ASP Postdoc Fellow
Research Applications Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research
3450 Mitchell Ln, Boulder, CO, USA
Tel: 303-497-8110
Email: knhuang at ucar.edu, fytaso at gmail.com

Simple to make things complicated, but complicated to make things simple.
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kangning_Huang <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kangning_Huang>
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