[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: ATOC Colloquium: Dr. Benét Duncan (WWA/CIRES): Friday, October 1 at 11am

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Tue Sep 28 14:48:37 MDT 2021


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Hi everyone,

The next ATOC Colloquium of the semester will be held on *Friday, October 1
from 11a–12p* and will feature *Dr. Benét Duncan* from the Western Water
Assessment/CIRES. The colloquium will be simulcast over zoom for those who
would like to attend remotely. The zoom login information and an abstract
for Dr. Duncan's talk are provided below.

Please let us know if you have any questions or are interested in
delivering a talk at a future colloquium. A full schedule of ATOC colloquia
can be found at https://www.colorado.edu/atoc/colloquium.

We look forward to seeing you virtually on October 1!

-The ATOC Colloquium Committee


*Science for What? Developing Usable Climate Science for Decision Makers*
Benét Duncan (WWA/CIRES)

Climate science makes discoveries that are critically important to
society, but making connections with decision makers can be very difficult.
In the southwest US, climate change is contributing to extended and more
severe wildfire seasons, long-term drought and aridification, reduced water
supply, degraded air quality, and increasing nighttime temperatures.
Decision makers are growing increasingly concerned across the political
spectrum, and seek more information to guide their decision making. The
growing fields of usable climate science and adaptation take an
interdisciplinary approach that weaves together social science, climate
modeling, hydrology, ecology, and other research areas. They are grounded
in the concept of "co-production", in which researchers start with
stakeholder needs to identify research questions and inform how research
progresses. Based in CIRES at CU Boulder, Western Water Assessment is a
NOAA-funded program that conducts user-driven science to build resilient
communities and water supplies in the Intermountain West. As a proud ATOC
alum, Benét Duncan will share more about usable climate science, Western
Water Assessment's recent projects, and her career path from graduate
school to applied research with decision makers.


*Zoom login Information:*

*Topic: ATOC Colloquium – October 1*
*Time: Oct 1, 2021 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)*

*Join Zoom Meeting*

*Meeting ID: 953 3795 8306*
*Passcode: ATOC*
One tap mobile
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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 953 3795 8306
Find your local number: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/u/abrqBql5TY

Join by SIP
95337958306 at zoomcrc.com

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Meeting ID: 953 3795 8306
Passcode: 808274


*Andrew C. Winters*
Assistant Professor
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)
University of Colorado Boulder
311 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0311
Office: SEEC C277 || Phone: 303-735-5775
https://acwinters.weebly.com || @acwinters_wx || he/him/his

Scott Briggs
Advanced Study Program
National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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