[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: MATLAB for Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - New Webinar Series

Scott Briggs sbriggs at ucar.edu
Tue Sep 14 07:49:58 MDT 2021


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Angelo D'Amato <adamato at go.mathworks.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 7:45 AM
Subject: MATLAB for Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences - New Webinar
To: <sbriggs at ucar.edu>

MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform used by millions of
engineers and scientists to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create

*MATLAB for Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences*

Geoscientists use MATLAB to understand the dynamics, preconditions and
trends related to Earth, the ocean, and the atmosphere. Use MATLAB for
projects such as studying climate change, analyzing seismic activity, or
modeling water flow.

Learn how to:

·         Access, visualize, and explore geospatial data from public sources

·         Deploy algorithms to transform geographic data and create web map

·         Reduce your workload by using apps for exploration, design, and
problem solving

·         Design, prototype, test, and refine predictive models using
machine learning

·         Implement a complete AI workflow in MATLAB from data preparation
to deployment

Session 1: Analyzing and Visualizing Geospatial Data (September 15, 2021)

Session 2: Data Science for Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
(September 22, 2021)

*To learn more about each session and register visit: *

*Join the WebEx Meeting link will be available once your register. Add the
event to your *

*calendar and the link will appear on your calendar to sign in the day of
the event.*

Contact me for any questions on this series at adamato at mathworks.com.


Angelo D'Amato

Sr. Account Manager

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Scott Briggs
Advanced Study Program
National Center For Atmospheric Research
*phone: 303.497.1607*
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