[Grad-postdoc-assn] Fwd: Seeking post doc for WINTRE-MIX field project

Annareli Morales amorales at ucar.edu
Mon Aug 16 19:10:23 MDT 2021

See below for a postdoc opportunity!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Minder, Justin R <jminder at albany.edu>
Date: Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 7:02 PM
Subject: Seeking post doc for WINTRE-MIX field project
To: Minder, Justin R <jminder at albany.edu>


I've recently been notified that a field project I proposed to NSF has been
recommended for funding and I am expecting a final approval any day. The
project, WINTRE-MIX, focuses on the predictability of near-freezing
precipitation events in southern Quebec and northern New York. The big
facilities to be deployed include the NRC Convair 580 aircraft and three
Doppler on Wheels mobile radars. NSF co-PIs include Katja Friedrich, Jeff
French, Andrew Winters, and Nick Bassill. We are also collaborating with
some folks at UQAM and McGill.

*I'm seeking to recruit a post-doc* to start sometime by the end of this
year. I'm trying to get a head start on recruiting, since the February 2022
start of field operations is fast approaching. I'm wondering, *do you know
of any suitable candidates?* The post doc will be involved in field
work, observational
analyses, and mesoscale modeling. They need not have prior experience in
all these areas. Please let me know if you are aware of any recent or
upcoming graduates that might be a good fit. I expect to have a formal ad
posted in 1-2 weeks.



Justin Minder | Associate Professor | he/him/his

ES 339B | Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences | University at Albany

jminder at albany.edu | (518) 437 3732


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