[Grad-postdoc-assn] Need speakers for intern workshop - graduate fellowship proposals

Rebecca Haacker rhaacker at ucar.edu
Wed Jul 1 11:03:58 MDT 2020

Hi all,
I hope you're doing well.

We are looking for two volunteers who can share their experience writing
graduate fellowship proposals (like the NSF Graduate Fellowships) or
science proposals with a group of 30 undergraduate and graduate NCAR/UCAR
summer interns. We are putting together a panel of four speakers, two will
be scientists at NCAR and we are looking for two graduate students or
postdocs to round out the perspectives.

We are meeting July 9th from 9-11am MT via zoom.

If you have written proposals as a graduate student and can participate,
please contact Jerry Cyccone cyccone at ucar.edu.

Thank you!

Rebecca Haacker

NCAR E&O and the Advanced Study Program

Phone: 303-497-8623, Assistant Diana O. Verschoor: 303-497-1851


1. You are not working from home, you are at home, during a pandemic,
trying to get work done.
2. Your physical, mental, and emotional health is the most important
thing right now.
3. Don't compare your ability to cope with everyone else's.  4. Don't
attempt to compensate for lost productivity by working longer hours.
5. We will get through this.

Boulder County sits upon the traditional territories of the Cheyenne,
Arapaho, and Ute Nations.
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