[Grad-postdoc-assn] Movie Night - August 28 - "Twister"

Annareli Morales amorales at ucar.edu
Fri Aug 7 13:46:49 MDT 2020

Hello friends!

We'll be having a 🍿Virtual Movie Night 🍿on *Friday, August 28th at 7pm
Mountain Time. *We'll be watching the movie Twister (PG-13)
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCIK_AN8Zn4>, which has inspired many
children to pursue a meteorology degree since 1996! 😉

Please fill out this *form
before then so we can plan accordingly. We'll be using NetflixParty
we'll need to make sure everyone who wants to join has access to Netflix
and has added the extension to their Chrome browser. We'll be having other
movie nights, so if you can't make it this time you can suggest a movie for
next time (tentatively Sept 4th, movie TBD)!

Annareli (on behalf of the ASP Networking Committee)

Annareli Morales, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow | NCAR Advanced Study Program

President of Denver/Boulder Chapter of the American Meteorological Society

AMS Latinx Committee Academia Ambassador

p: 303-497-1614 | e: amorales at ucar.edu <jalland at ucar.edu> |
http://staff.ucar.edu/users/amorales <https://staff.ucar.edu/users/amorales>

<https://ncar.ucar.edu/>[image: https://twitter.com/banannareli]

Boulder County sits upon the traditional territories of the Cheyenne,
Arapaho, and Ute Nations.
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