[Grad-postdoc-assn] Computational Climate Data Scientist Position at UCI

Paula Fisher paulad at ucar.edu
Mon Jul 24 09:25:37 MDT 2017

The Climate and Scientific Computing group in the Department of Earth
System Science at UC Irvine (www.ess.uci.edu/~zender) will fill a
full-time Specialist position with a computational data scientist
enthusiastic to apply advanced computing techniques to global
environmental problems.  We develop software to analyze in situ,
satellite-retrieved, and modeled geophysical data. The candidate will
help: Design and implement modular data post-processing software in
a C/Python/GitHub environment, maintain and extend geospatial features
of the netCDF Operators (NCO, nco.sf.net). Science application areas
include polar climatology from AWS data and sea-ice modeling, spatial
regridding, and aerosol-induced light pollution.

BS degree, or equivalent experience, in computer science, atmospheric
science, engineering, physics, mathematics, or a related discipline.
Strong skills in free-software C/C++/Python development in UNIX/Linux

MS or PhD. Knowledge of atmospheric science, chemistry, oceanography
or engineering. netCDF data analysis+visualization, geospatial tools
(QGIS), OpenMP/MPI, Travis CI.

Please submit all required application materials to:

Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 <(949)%20891-2429> )'(
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