[Grad-postdoc-assn] Young Scientist Symposium on Atmospheric Research - October 9th @ CSU-Atmos

Kristen Rasmussen kristenr at ucar.edu
Fri Sep 4 13:06:57 MDT 2015

Dear postdocs and graduate students,

Please see the announcement for the 2015 Young Scientist Symposium on
Atmospheric Research (YSSAR) at CSU below. All graduate students and
postdoctoral researchers across the Front Range are invited to present at
or attend the symposium. Abstracts are due on Wednesday, September 9th.
Please contact csu.yssar at gmail.com for any questions about the event. Thank

Best regards,

Kristen Rasmussen

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aryeh J. Drager <aryeh at atmos.colostate.edu>
Date: Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 12:51 PM
Subject: Young Scientist Symposium on Atmospheric Research - October 9th @
To: Kristen Rasmussen <kristenr at ucar.edu>
Cc: CSU YSSAR <csu.yssar at gmail.com>


2015 Young Scientist Symposium on Atmospheric Research

We invite all graduate students and postdoctoral researchers from across
the Front Range to present their atmospheric research and attend a one day
meeting for early career scientists. The meeting will be held on Friday,
October 9th, 2015 at Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric
Science. The only requirement for posters and presentations is that the
topic must be related to the atmosphere — this includes, but is not limited


   Atmospheric chemistry and aerosols

   Atmospheric dynamics

   Climate and climate modeling

   Cloud physics

   Environmental health and air quality

   Land-ocean-atmosphere interactions

   Mesoscale meteorology

   Remote sensing

   Tropical meteorology

We hope you will take this opportunity to practice your talk or poster for
an upcoming national conference, or to simply update fellow young
scientists on your current research. We would also like to emphasize that
attendance-only participation in the symposium is welcome. Join us to learn
about ongoing research at institutions in the area, and to meet
collaborators for future projects. Registration is free and lunch will be
included. The symposium will be followed by an informal happy hour held

The deadline to submit an abstract is Wednesday September 9th, 2015, and
the deadline to register to attend is Friday, September 25, 2015.
Registration can be found here
Please direct any questions to csu.yssar at gmail.com.

Visit our website for symposium information, abstract submission, and


Be sure to check out our Facebook page!


Sent on behalf of the YSSAR Planning Committee

Kristen Rasmussen
ASP Postdoctoral Fellow
National Center for Atmospheric Research
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