[Grad-postdoc-assn] [Fwd: [Met-jobs] Tenure-Track Faculty position at Caltech - Environmental Physics & Climate Dynamics]

Ankur Desai adesai at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 24 08:14:59 MDT 2007

Caltech TT opening in envi phys./climate dyn.:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Met-jobs] Tenure-Track Faculty position at Caltech - 
Environmental Physics & Climate Dynamics
Date: 	Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:32:12 +0100
From: 	Roger Brugge <r.brugge at reading.ac.uk>
Organization: 	Data Assimilation Research Centre
To: 	met-jobs at lists.reading.ac.uk

Environmental Physics & Climate Dynamics

The Divisions of Engineering and Applied Science and Geological and
Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology invite
applications and nominations for a tenure-track faculty position in
Environmental Science and Engineering at the assistant professor level.

The normal term of the initial appointment is four years and is contingent
upon completion of a Ph.D. degree. Exceptionally qualified applicants may
also be considered at the Associate or Full Professor level.

Our focus is on candidates who have an outstanding research record in
environmental physics or climate dynamics and have a commitment to teaching
in these areas.  Research areas may include:  atmosphere and ocean dynamics,
climate physics, cloud dynamics, air-sea interactions, and ice dynamics.

Applicants are asked to visit:
http://www.eas.caltech.edu/search/env_physics_climate for instructions on
how to apply online. Electronic (pdf) copies of a curriculum vitae
(including a list of publications), a statement of teaching and research
interests, and three publications are required as a part of the application.

Caltech is an Equal-Opportunity/Affirmative-Action Employer.
Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

### end text

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