[GO-ESSP] Re: GO-ESSP 2008 Workshop: meeting themes posted

Steve Hankin Steven.C.Hankin at noaa.gov
Wed May 21 13:04:59 MDT 2008


Reminder:   the deadline for submitting abstracts to the September 
GO-ESSP meeting is *June 1.
*Instructions below.

    Best Regards, The GO-ESSP Steering Committee*

Steve Hankin wrote:
> Hello GO-ESSP community,
> A description of the September meeting themes has been posted on the 
> GO-ESSP Web site.  Click on "_Detailed meeting themes_" on the 
> registration page (http://go-essp.gfdl.noaa.gov/2008/register.html).
>      Best Regards, The GO-ESSP Steering Committee
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> GO-ESSP 2008 Workshop (September 17-19) – Call for Participation
> From:
> Steve Hankin <Steven.C.Hankin at noaa.gov>
> Date:
> Wed, 09 Apr 2008 14:54:11 -0700
> To:
> go-essp at ucar.edu
> To:
> go-essp at ucar.edu
> /The Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals/
>   GO-ESSP 2008 Workshop – Call for Participation
>       17-19, September 2008
>       (postponed from earlier announcement of a June meeting)
>       Seattle, Washington, USA
> //
> _http://go-essp.gfdl.noaa.gov/2008_
> The Seventh Annual GO-ESSP Community Workshop will be held in Seattle 
> 17-19 September 2008.  Participants will share their progress in 
> developing cyberinfrastructure that facilitates discovery, acquisition 
> and analysis of Earth System information, data, and knowledge. An 
> overarching theme of GO-ESSP is to identify and foster integrated 
> efforts that lead to global interoperability among independently 
> developed systems. A target goal in doing so is to improve the 
> utilization and effective community analysis of widely distributed 
> archives of climate observations and model output.
> There is no registration fee for this event and attendance is limited 
> to 60 invited participants. We are requesting that potential 
> participants submit a brief abstract describing a proposed 
> presentation /or/ their specific interest in the workshop by *June 1*. 
> The abstract is not to exceed 250 words and should include the title 
> of the presentation, if one is proposed.  Submissions in any format 
> (plain text, Open Document Format, PDF, MS Word, etc.) are acceptable 
> and may be submitted to the URL provided above. The organizers will 
> inform you by email of acceptance by June 16.
> The meeting agenda will include some time for participants to engage 
> in a /Show And Tell/ session, where participants are encouraged to 
> demonstrate their work and/or new prototypes in an informal manner. 
> Internet connections will be available for laptops.  If you’re 
> interested in doing this, please append a title and brief description 
> along with your abstract submission as described above.
> Presentations should be responsive to one or more of the following 
> technical themes -- the areas of emphasis at this year’s meeting.  The 
> GO-ESSP meeting Web pages will contain more detailed guidance (to be 
> posted soon).   Connecting these themes to the specific needs 
> established by international bodies that coordinate climate and 
> weather research activities (e.g., IPCC WG1 assessments, COPES, GEOSS) 
> is encouraged.
> o       *Federation*
> o       *Web services for scientific data systems*
> o       *Semantically enabled environments*
> o       *New strategies and technologies for web-based user interface 
> development*.
> o       *Climate and Forecast (CF) conventions*
> *Best Regards*, /The GO-ESSP Steering Committee
>                                         //go-essp-committee at ucar.edu 
> <mailto:go-essp-committee at ucar.edu>///
> /V. Balaji/: NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), 
> Princeton, NJ, USA
> /Steve Hankin/: NOAA Pacific Marine and Environmental Laboratory 
> (PMEL), Seattle, WA, USA
> /Chris Kerr: /NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), 
> Princeton, NJ, USA
> /Michael Lautenschlager/: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology 
> (MPI-M), Hamburg, Germany
> /Bryan Lawrence/: British Atmospheric Data Center (BADC), UK
> /Don Middleton/: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 
> Boulder, CO, USA
> /Dean Williams/: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Program for 
> Climate Model Diagnosis and Interpretation (PCMDI), Livermore, CA. USA

Steve Hankin, NOAA/PMEL -- Steven.C.Hankin at noaa.gov
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
ph. (206) 526-6080, FAX (206) 526-6744

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men
to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke

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