[GO-ESSP] June 2007 GO-ESSP workshop presentations are now available...

Rocky Dunlap rocky at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Jul 31 20:15:23 MDT 2007

Hi Chris,

The presentations page looks great.

I did notice that the "GO-ESSP Working Committees" links on the GO-ESSP
home page appear to be outdated.  To promote collaboration among
participants, it would be nice if these were updated...  At the very least
they should be removed so that guests do not think the links represent the
latest work in those particular areas.

Another option would be to actually update the wiki.  (I know I should be
careful with these kinds of comments.  Whoever finds such problems usually
has the privilege of fixing them...)


On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Christopher Kerr wrote:

> The presentations from the sixth GO-ESSP community workshop are now available
> at: http://go-essp.gfdl.noaa.gov/news_meetings.html
> Please let me know if you have any changes that you would like to the page.
> Thanks
> Chris
> Dr. Christopher L. Kerr
> Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
> Forrestal Campus
> Princeton University
> Princeton, New Jersey  08542
> Telephone: (609) 452-6573
> Fax:       (609) 987-5063
> Email:     chris.kerr at noaa.gov
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