[GO-ESSP] AMS Annual Meeting sessions relevant to GO-ESSP

Dean N. Williams williams13 at llnl.gov
Wed Jul 28 13:47:52 MDT 2004

Dear ESG, GO-ESSP, and NERC Datagrid,

    Nancy Soreide, Steve Holt and I are the Co-chairs for the Joint 
session on "Distributed Earth Science Information Systems". This is a 
great forum for discussing topics relevant to our projects and 
application areas. The AMS meeting will be held in San Diego from 
January 9-13.  Abstract are due soon (no later than August 2, 2004).  
Please visit the following web site to submit your abstracts: 
http://ams.confex.com/ams/Annual2005/16Global/papers/index.cgi . 

To submit an abstract, select " Distributed Earth Science Information 
Systems (joint with the 21st Conference on IIPS)" and follow the 
instructions. There will be a $60 fee to submit each abstract.

Hope to see you there.

Best regards,

Nancy N Soreide wrote:

> There are two sessions relevant to GO-ESSP at the AMS meeeting, to be 
> held January 9-13, 2005, in San Diego.  Abstracts are due Aug 2, 2004. 
> * The IIPS session on "Web portals and Cyberinfrastructure" - Co 
> chairs: Linda Miller and Nancy Soreide
> * The Joint session on "Distributed Earth Science Information Systems" 
> - Joint session between the IIPS and Global Change and Climate 
> Variations Symposium - Co-chairs:  Dean Williams, Steve Holt and Nancy 
> Soreide
>     Session Description:  Provide a forum for discussing new and
>     exciting scientific, technical, and educational capabilities
>     supporting national and international Global Change and Climate
>     Variations programs. Of particular interest are the interactive
>     information processing systems and applications of new
>     technologies in climate similations, remote sensing and in-situ
>     observations of the Earth. These include tools and techniques that
>     detect features, perform autonomous activities, and characterize
>     processes involved in Global Change and Climate Variations as they
>     apply to the Earth. Examples of enabling technologies in
>     distributed computing and information systems will include GRID
>     computing, collaboration tools, web, web services, information
>     delivery systems, and more. These technologies will target both
>     existing and potential new users of global change information, as
>     well as provide enhanced functionality for scientists, engineers,
>     decision makers, the educational community, and the public.
> The call for abstracts which can be found at: 
> <http://www.ametsoc.org/meet/ann/AnnualCall.pdf>. Go to the conference 
> web site on the AMS Web site at 
> <http://www.ametsoc.org/MEET/85annual/index.html>. From there you can 
> select the page to submit an abstract and can choose the 21st 
> International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing 
> Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology.
>---------- Forwarded Message ----------
>Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 8:32 AM -0600
>From: Linda Miller <lmiller at unidata.ucar.edu>
>To: allcommunity at unidata.ucar.edu
>Subject: AMS Annual Meeting Abstracts due 2 August 2004
>This notice is provided as a community service.
>The American Meteorological Society's (AMS) 85th Annual Meeting is scheduled for
>9-13 January 2005 in San Diego, California.  The overall theme of the meeting is
>"Building the Earth Information System" with two subthemes of "Living with a Limited
>Water Supply" and "Living in the Coastal Zone."
>This year, the 21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing
>Systems (IIPS) symposium offers many sessions and joint sessions which could be of
>interest to the Unidata community.  Papers for the conference are solicited on all
>aspects of IIPS related to the earth information system; internet applications, web
>portals and cyberinfrastructure; radar; satellite ocean remote sensing; AWIPS and
>related systems; applications in meteorology, oceanography, hydrology and
>climatology; GIS applications; international applications; transportation weather;
>and global meteorological and hydrological service updates.  Joint sessions are
>related to the global environmental observing systems; use of cyberinfrastructure in
>education; and global change and climate.
>Take a few minutes to check the call for abstracts which can be found at:
><http://www.ametsoc.org/meet/ann/AnnualCall.pdf>. Go to conference web site on the
>AMS Web site at <http://www.ametsoc.org/MEET/85annual/index.html>.  From there you
>can select the page to submit an abstract and can choose the 21st International
>Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology,
>Oceanography, and Hydrology.
>Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts to the 85th AMS Annual
>Meeting is August 2, 2004.
>We look forward to seeing you at the AMS in San Diego!
>Linda Miller - lmiller at unidata.ucar.edu
>External Liaison, Unidata
>University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
>P.O. Box 3000
>Boulder, CO 80307-3000
>303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
>---------- End Forwarded Message ----------
>Linda Miller - lmiller at unidata.ucar.edu
>External Liaison, Unidata
>University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
>P.O. Box 3000
>Boulder, CO 80307-3000
>303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
>GO-ESSP mailing list
>GO-ESSP at ucar.edu

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