[GO-ESSP] Fall AGU session relevant to GO-ESSP

Steve Hankin Steven.C.Hankin at noaa.gov
Wed Jul 21 10:52:30 MDT 2004

Hi All,

There will be a special session at the Fall AGU meeting
entitled "Cyberinfrastructure for Earth Systems Science"
that will be very relevant to GO-ESSP.  Brief description:

     The goal of the session is to explore the need for
     interoperable data systems that support the Earth
     systems approach to issues cutting across the
     traditional sub-disciplines of the geosciences as
     well as societal impacts (i.e., atmospheric,
     oceanographic, hydrologic and solid Earth).
     Abstracts should address scientific areas that
     require integrated observational data and
     forecasting systems from these disciplines.

     Examples might include the interoperable data
     systems needed to understand flash flood or
     landslide conditions in drainage basins. Datasets
     needed to study these processes include digital
     elevation, land use, moisture saturation, radar,
     precipitation forecasts, stream flow, local
     citizen observations, demographics, and
     infrastructure. Similar needs for integrated data
     systems could be documented for coupled
     ocean/atmosphere modeling, climate studies related
     to El Nino/La Nina, as well as a wide variety of
     plume dispersion issues in the atmosphere and

See further elaboration of the session at

The deadline for abstracts seems to be early September.  See
details at http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm04/

    - steve
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