[Go-essp-tech] Synchro-data-2.9 released

Jerome Raciazek jerome.raciazek at ipsl.jussieu.fr
Thu Nov 6 11:50:39 MST 2014

Hi All,

I am very pleased to announce the release of Synchro-data-2.9. 
Synchro-data is a python based command line tool designed to mirror a 
relatively large subset of ESGF data on a local cluster (or a local 
machine) and to keep datasets versions up-to-date.

It has been deeply redesigned and now also includes an 'apt-get' like 
command called 'synda', which is intended to install ESGF dataset in an 
easy way. All Search-API parameters are now supported thus supporting 
virtually all ESGF hosted projects (CMIP5, ISI-MIP, Obs4MIPs, CORDEX, 
LUCID, EUCLIPSE, ....). Support is granted for netcdf files (".nc") when 
dataset name begins by project name and ends with a version.

New features are:

* Replica support
* Nearest replica selection for download
* Per project default values
* Facets can be read from CLI argument, file or stdin
* Different list mode: dataset, variable and file
* Searchable parameter list

Basic usage:

synda search FACET ..
synda install FACET ..
synda remove FACET ..

To search for monthly and atmos in CMIP5 project
synda search project=CMIP5 realm=atmos time_frequency=mon

Query can also be written without specifying facet name
synda search CMIP5 atmos mon

See more examples at the bottom.

'synda' command documentation:

Installation and configuration guide:


This work has been undertaken by IPSL and has been funded by IPSL, 
IS-ENES and France-Grilles.

Feel free to ask us if you have any questions, difficulties or 
suggestions to improve the program. Code and documentation will be made 
available through GitHub soon.

Jerome and Sebastien

More examples:

Search for ISI-MIP files
synda search project=ISI-MIP%20Fasttrack searchapi_host=esg.pik-potsdam.de

List all replicas
synda search 

Install using a specific replica
synda install 

Display obs4MIPs files using stdin
echo obs4MIPs | synda search

List all projects
synda param project

List all projects with MIP in their names
synda param project MIP

List all facets
synda param

List CMIP5 data using file list mode
synda search CMIP5 -f

List CMIP5 data using variable/aggregation list mode
synda search CMIP5 -v
synda search CMIP5 -a

List CMIP5 data using dataset list mode (default)
synda search CMIP5 -d

Jérôme Raciazek
IPSL, Pôle de modélisation du climat
UPMC, Case 101, 4 place Jussieu,
75252 Paris Cedex 5

Tour 45-55 2ème étage Bureau 209
Tel: 33 1 44 27 21 10
Fax: 33 1 44 27 39 02

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