[Go-essp-tech] GO-ESSP meeting 1/21/2014

Cinquini, Luca (398J) Luca.Cinquini at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jan 17 07:49:34 MST 2014

Dear GO-ESSP participants,
	we will hold a GO-ESSP meeting next Tuesday, January 21st, at the usual time 8am PT. 

This will be a technical meeting as follow up to the ESGF F2F meeting held at LLNL/PCMDI in early December.


o Progress on Askbot recovery and operations (Stephen - 15 min)

o Open discussion on ESGF CV (Luca - 15 min)

o Plans for upgrade of ESGF security infrastructure (Phil - 15 min)

o Other ESGF development issues, including:
	- switching search services to port 80 (Luca - 5 minutes)
	- Globus port range (Eric - 5 minutes)
	- update on Node Manager (Gavin - 5 minutes)

thanks, Luca

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