[Go-essp-tech] Comments on the demo today.

Nathan Hook nhook at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 24 14:57:07 MST 2012


I applied for both the dev and user lists back in October (19th) and 
still haven't been added to the list.

Is there something special that needs to occur to get on the user and 
dev lists?

Thank you for your time,


On 1/24/2012 2:48 PM, Gavin M. Bell wrote:
> Hi Sylvia,
> You can send email to the esg-node-dev at lists.llnl.gov list. This is
> where most dev "stuff" goes. As these things usually work, you can email
> feature requests, development questions, etc. If you know a project
> leader, you can email them directly and ask them to shepherd your
> request (this should satisfy your Luca spamming yen).
> :-)
> Or, yes, create an account on bugzilla and post there.
> On 1/24/12 1:41 PM, Sylvia Murphy wrote:
>> Hi Gavin,
>> Is there an email address that the average user, one who still has
>> their skin :), can use to make suggestions?
>> Sylvia
>> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Gavin M. Bell <gavin at llnl.gov
>> <mailto:gavin at llnl.gov>> wrote:
>>     Hi Sylvia,
>>     Yes, you have to login... gotta have some skin in the game.... for
>>     just that reason! :-)
>>     On 1/24/12 1:18 PM, Sylvia Murphy wrote:
>>>     Hi Stephen,
>>>     Thanks for the info. When I follow that link, it just takes me to
>>>     a login page. It would be nice if you had to login to submit
>>>     tickets but anyone could view the tickets. There needs to be a
>>>     way (e.g. email address) for folks to submit ideas. I want to
>>>     spam Luca <evil grin>.
>>>     Sylvia
>>     --
>>     Gavin M. Bell
>>     Lawrence Livermore National Labs
>>     --
>>       "Never mistake a clear view for a short distance."
>>             	       -Paul Saffo
>>     (GPG Key -http://rainbow.llnl.gov/dist/keys/gavin.asc)
>>       A796 CE39 9C31 68A4 52A7  1F6B 66B7 B250 21D5 6D3E
>> --
>> ******************************************
>> Sylvia Murphy
>> NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
>> 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
>> Time Zone: U.S. Mountain
>> Web: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/nesii/
>> Email: sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov <mailto:sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov>
>> Phone: 303-497-7753
> --
> Gavin M. Bell
> Lawrence Livermore National Labs
> --
>   "Never mistake a clear view for a short distance."
>         	       -Paul Saffo
> (GPG Key -http://rainbow.llnl.gov/dist/keys/gavin.asc)
>   A796 CE39 9C31 68A4 52A7  1F6B 66B7 B250 21D5 6D3E
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