[Go-essp-tech] Plans for moving forward without panic

Karl Taylor taylor13 at llnl.gov
Sun Jan 22 20:04:51 MST 2012

Dear all,

I sense there is a growing uncertainty and even panic in some quarters 
as we consider how to improve delivery of CMIP5 model output and 
documentation to our users.  Let's pause for a moment and consider how 
we can smoothly implement the needed improvements.

First, we should remind ourselves that the current system (and a couple 
of work-around back-doors cleverly invented by frustrated users) has 
been somewhat successfully delivering considerable volumes of model 
output to researchers, and we should not forget that this would not have 
been possible if we had relied on the system we were using for CMIP3. 
Though no one wants undue delays, we must not hastily take actions that 
could degrade the current level of service, even temporarily.

I think there are two ways we can facilitate a smooth transition to an 
improved system.  First, by distributing the attached document, we can 
formally communicate the procedure whereby changes are introduced and 
accepted for operational use.  Second, we can consider whether a 
technical advisory group should be formed as a complement to the 
existing CMIP panel, which was established by WGCM (representing the 
modeling groups) to oversee this project.

I know that if we work together, we can improve the CMIP5 data services, 
and I think we all agree there is room for improvement.

Please send me any comments, suggestions, or concerns you might have.

Best regards,

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