[Go-essp-tech] Fwd: Re: esgf datanode publication, version numbers

Estanislao Gonzalez gonzalez at dkrz.de
Fri Jan 20 07:07:48 MST 2012

Am 20.01.2012 14:12, schrieb Sylvia Murphy:
> Hi Estani,
> comments inline
> On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:49 AM, Estanislao Gonzalez <gonzalez at dkrz.de 
> <mailto:gonzalez at dkrz.de>> wrote:
>     Hi Sylvia,
>     I was referring to the trackback only. Also questionnaire/CIM
>     metadata.
>     The only "data" reference was the  implication that if both use
>     the same xml parser (i.e. if it's used as a singleton) then the
>     same problem will arise at the metadata harvesting end as what
>     I've seen at the harvesting end.
> There is no parsing for data, which was my point.  The only XML in the 
> system that requires parsing is the CIM XML.  Data metadata is 
> harvests from the TDS, which has nothing to do with XML.
>     Indeed we don't have any GFDL data, but we do have MPI data. In
>     both cases the system says there's no data at the moment, which is
>     simply not true for MPI.
>     Just see for yourself at the link I've provided:
>     http://ipcc-ar5.dkrz.de/trackback/query.htm?id=esg%3amodel_mpiom_decadal1960-lrbasesimulation&session=true&fromSearch=true
>     <http://ipcc-ar5.dkrz.de/trackback/query.htm?id=esg%3amodel_mpiom_decadal1960-lrbasesimulation&session=true&fromSearch=true>
>     go to outputs: "Output data for this simulation is not yet
>     available in the archive."
> Estani, recall that I already identified this issue with you over the 
> holidays.  There is most likely a mismatch between the model name in 
> the questionnaire and the one in the data.  There are two mapping 
> files that need to be updated to make that connection work.  Nate sent 
> out the information on how to update these files, we have been waiting 
> for you to give this a try.
Then I'm sorry for not answering sooner. Could you please send the 
advisory again as I can't find anything in my email box.
>     We only have data at 1.3.4 so I guess we should keep waiting until
>     G2.0 comes out and is ready for production (we do have a G2.0-RC1
>     installed, but we can't update more often nor publish data to it
>     at this time because we are short on resources for both tasks).
>     The current situation is a problem for our users and to those of
>     us that answer at the help-desk.
>     So basically, can't say if it's corrected in G2.0, but in 1.3.4 if
>     the data-metadata connection was broken, it resulted in a message
>     saying there's no data.
>     My point: if we can't be sure that's the case, then don't tell the
>     user it is.
> A quick note about the message on the outputs tab.  Originally, when 
> no data, metadata connection was made we just did not have that tab 
> but we found that in testing we could not tell if its absence was due 
> to an error or because there was no data.  Now the system does a check 
> and if it does not find data the tab is present and the error message 
> exists.   After implementation, we realized that method had its own 
> downside and put in a ticket to make it better.  We are not sure when 
> that work will be programmed, however.  Would you recommend going back 
> to the original behavior?
Yes. It's better.

>     Thanks,
>     Estani
>     Am 19.01.2012 18:04, schrieb Sylvia Murphy:
>>     Hi Estani,
>>     I am on military duty this week and have only been able to follow
>>     your concerns from afar.
>>     In your latest email, I am having trouble determining whether
>>     your issues are for searching for DATA or METADATA.
>>     Here are some key points:
>>     * How the information about data and metadata gets into the
>>     system is different for each type.  Metadata as you know comes
>>     from the questionnaire.  Data metadata comes from the harvesting
>>     of the TDS system.
>>     * The path for data and metadata is different such that there may
>>     be metadata before data or vice versa.  We actually have very
>>     limited cases right now with both existing at the same time.
>>     * ESG 1.3.x requires that data and metadata be co-located on the
>>     same system for the output tab to show any information.  ESG 2.0
>>     is federated and this requirement goes away.  Note that the GFDL
>>     example you point to below is a sample metadata instance that I
>>     created a long time ago for demonstration purposes.  There is no
>>     data associated with it.  This instance and all references to it
>>     have been removed in 2.0.  The data connection is working at BADC
>>     for those hadgem-2 instances they have local data for.
>>     I am happy to create some tickets in the system for you, but I
>>     need to better understand what searches you are trying to
>>     conduct.  It would also be useful to determine if the issues you
>>     are seeing in 1.3.x have been fixed in 2.0.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Sylvia
>>     On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 3:18 AM, Estanislao Gonzalez
>>     <gonzalez at dkrz.de <mailto:gonzalez at dkrz.de>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         I think this is a good opportunity to describe the problem
>>         with more detail.
>>         The GFDL results are different for DKRZ and BADC. Neither
>>         Gateway has local GFDL data and both are exactly the same
>>         version.
>>         So the only difference between them is the harvesting time.
>>         I already mentioned a problem while harvesting the OAI from
>>         other gateways (a concurrency problem), not sure this got
>>         solved. If the trackback is ussing, yet again, the same xml
>>         parser in the same thread-unsafe way, then it might be
>>         potentially breaking in the middle of the transaction leaving
>>         the DB/3Store (whatever it's writing to) in an incomplete state.
>>         In any case if the harvesting were deterministic, this
>>         shouldn't really matter and both DKRZ and BADC should present
>>         the same results (whatever that might be).
>>         Searching for GFDL at DKRZ breaks the system, this is
>>         something that needs urgent attention in my opinion. How
>>         could a query of a specific term result in an internal error?
>>         Apparently if the user searches for anything that would
>>         result in a broken document (perhaps some GFDL ones?) then it
>>         breaks with an "internal error".
>>         We can't tell them to search for good ones only.
>>         Furthermore the output tab says: "Output data for this
>>         simulation is not yet available in the archive."
>>         (see
>>         http://ipcc-ar5.dkrz.de/trackback/query.htm?id=esg%3amodel_gfdl_lm2_control_1860_r1i1&session=true&fromSearch=true
>>         <http://ipcc-ar5.dkrz.de/trackback/query.htm?id=esg%3amodel_gfdl_lm2_control_1860_r1i1&session=true&fromSearch=true>
>>         http://ipcc-ar5.dkrz.de/trackback/query.htm?id=esg%3amodel_mpiom_decadal1960-lrbasesimulation&session=true&fromSearch=true
>>         <http://ipcc-ar5.dkrz.de/trackback/query.htm?id=esg%3amodel_mpiom_decadal1960-lrbasesimulation&session=true&fromSearch=true>)
>>         Which isn't correct and is misleading users to think
>>         institutions haven't provide any data. I think that if we
>>         can't get it right, we should better right that "we don't
>>         know" than assuring the user there's no data at all...
>>         My 2c,
>>         Estani
>>         Am 18.01.2012 22:44, schrieb Cecelia DeLuca:
>>             Hi Serguei and all,
>>             Thanks, I see the error now too.
>>              From BADC I tried a Datasets text search for GFDL and it
>>             reliably hangs
>>             for me in "Loading, please
>>             wait."  If I click the x of that "Loading ..." box to
>>             cancel it and try
>>             to go to the second (or third ...) page
>>             of those results I get an internal server error.  Seeing
>>             that, I'm not
>>             sure that the problem lies with the
>>             metadata or the metadata integration with search but
>>             maybe with the
>>             keyword search itself.  Our team
>>             doesn't have expertise in that part of the system so
>>             maybe someone else
>>             can comment if this is
>>             a known bug.
>>             It would be nice to have an organized list of known bugs
>>             that may affect
>>             users for the CMIP5
>>             production system that users could see ...
>>             Best,
>>             Cecelia
>>             On 1/18/2012 11:30 AM, Serguei Nikonov wrote:
>>                 Hi Cecelia,
>>                 thanks for your help. I made a search on "CMIP5
>>                 simulation metadata"
>>                 page you pointed out and didn't find any GFDL
>>                 simulations there. As
>>                 you told it means that we should not expect to get
>>                 any simulations in
>>                 gateway search.
>>                 Regarding the stability of search error on BADC
>>                 gateway, I tested it
>>                 today again several times and it's persistent. I
>>                 chose "Simulations"
>>                 type of search and  put "GFDL" into search field. It
>>                 returned 23
>>                 results split into 3 pages. When I tried to go to 2nd
>>                 page  "An
>>                 internal server error..." happened.
>>                 Thanks,
>>                 Sergey
>>                 On 01/17/2012 07:42 PM, Cecelia DeLuca wrote:
>>                     Hi Serguei,
>>                     Sylvia is out this week but I just spoke to her
>>                     about your questions
>>                     and relay the
>>                     responses below.  Please look here:
>>                     http://q.cmip5.ceda.ac.uk/feeds/cmip5/simulation/
>>                     You can see the simulations entered through the
>>                     CMIP5 questionnaire and
>>                     available for
>>                     ingestion into the metadata trackback.  If you
>>                     don't see the ones you
>>                     expect
>>                     from GFDL,
>>                     it means that the process of submitting these
>>                     simulations through the
>>                     questionnaire isn't completed.
>>                     The only one I see in the trackback is an early
>>                     synthetic example
>>                     from GFDL that we
>>                     used for testing (Control-1860).
>>                     Our team doesn't handle the questionnaire input,
>>                     the METAFOR group
>>                     does.  Ron and
>>                     Charlotte Pascoe from METAFOR have a dialogue
>>                     going about how to
>>                     complete the GFDL
>>                     submissions.  When that works more simulations
>>                     should show up at the
>>                     URL above, and
>>                     will then be ingested and shown in the metadata
>>                     trackback.
>>                     It would be good to test in a current (1.3.4)
>>                     version of the
>>                     gateway.  PCMDI is
>>                     still at an earlier
>>                     version (1.3.2) and may not show the same results
>>                     as others.  I was
>>                     testing
>>                     earlier today
>>                     and saw erratic errors there, either hanging
>>                     while loading or getting
>>                     the internal
>>                     server error, in all kinds of search situations.
>>                      I didn't see these
>>                     issues
>>                     testing at BADC
>>                     and could not reproduce the internal server error
>>                     you got when going
>>                     to the second
>>                     page of your search results.  Does that reliably
>>                     fail for you?
>>                     There are a number of other issues with metadata
>>                     being tracked as
>>                     known bugs.
>>                     Sylvia
>>                     recently sent out a summary.  Her mail is
>>                     included below my
>>                     response.  I added some
>>                     updates.
>>                     In summary, to begin to understand and fix the
>>                     issues you see:
>>                     - ensure GFDL simulations are submitted, and only
>>                     expect to see
>>                     simulations that are
>>                     available at the URL above
>>                     - test on gateways that have 1.3.4 installed
>>                     - remaining errors should be analyzed and checked
>>                     against known bugs
>>                     below
>>                     Please write if you have further questions.
>>                     Best,
>>                     Cecelia
>>                     -------- Original Message --------
>>                     Subject:     [Curator] Status report on metadata
>>                     display issues
>>                     Date:     Mon, 9 Jan 2012 09:10:06 -0700
>>                     From:     Sylvia Murphy<sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov
>>                     <mailto:sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov>>
>>                     To: go-essp-tech at ucar.edu
>>                     <mailto:go-essp-tech at ucar.edu>
>>                     CC:     Metafor List<metafor at lists.enes.org
>>                     <mailto:metafor at lists.enes.org>>,
>>                     curator at list.woc.noaa.gov
>>                     <mailto:curator at list.woc.noaa.gov>
>>                     Hi Everyone,
>>                     Since we have not had a go-essp-tech call in
>>                     quite a while, I thought
>>                     I would
>>                     send out an email summarizing the
>>                     metadata-display operational issues
>>                     going
>>                     across the federation:
>>                     STATUS OF BUGS IN THE SOFTWARE:  These issues
>>                     affect every
>>                     installation and all
>>                     users...
>>                     1) CIM instances (that contain unicode
>>                     characters) are not displaying
>>                     properly.
>>                     This includes instances that contain % signs,
>>                     "(", or umlauts.  This
>>                     has been
>>                     permanently fixed in 2.0 RC1, but will still be
>>                     an issue for users
>>                     until 2.0 is
>>                     finalized and installed across the federation.
>>                      [CD - I don't know
>>                     about across
>>                     the federation, but if anybody does end up
>>                     installing 2.0, it should
>>                     be fixed
>>                     there.  Goes for the next item too.]
>>                     2) Users are presented with a blurb on the
>>                     simulation search page
>>                     indicating
>>                     that "Much of the 5th Coupled Model
>>                     Intercomparison Project (CMIP5)
>>                     metadata
>>                     that will be accessible from this gateway is not
>>                     yet available". This
>>                     has been
>>                     fixed in 2.0 RC1, but will still be an issue for
>>                     users until 2.0 is
>>                     finalized
>>                     and installed across the federation.
>>                     CENTER SPECIFIC ISSUES:
>>                     There are some gateways with technical issues
>>                     that also affect users:
>>                     1) PCMDI:  Users get an internal server error
>>                     when they click on the
>>                     results of
>>                     any metadata search, and see no model metadata at
>>                     all.  This fix
>>                     requires that
>>                     PCMDI update their postgres database. [CD:  Looks
>>                     like the postgres
>>                     database was
>>                     updated by PCMDI in the last week, so metadata is
>>                     working in the
>>                     PCMDI gateway,
>>                     the first time since September.  Yay!!  However,
>>                     PCMDI is still at
>>                     gateway
>>                     version 1.3.2, and behavior may not be the same
>>                     as behavior of
>>                     gateways with the
>>                     latest production version installed.]
>>                     2) NCI:  Users see most (37/61) but not all
>>                     metadata records because
>>                     NCI needs
>>                     to reharvest their triple store as part of their
>>                     upgrade to 1.3.4.
>>                     We are in
>>                     contact with NCI and walking them through this.
>>                      Note that triple store
>>                     reharvests will be significantly less painful
>>                     with ESG 2.0.
>>                     3) DKRZ: Users will not see data links in the
>>                     trackback for local
>>                     DKRZ data.
>>                     This problem has been identified as a mismatch
>>                     between the names in
>>                     the data and
>>                     what is coming out of the CIM.  Such mismatches
>>                     were anticipated and
>>                     a mapping
>>                     file created to translate between the two.  This
>>                     file just needs to
>>                     be updated
>>                     at DKRZ.  This is being worked.
>>                     As always, you may check the status of metadata
>>                     across the federation
>>                     at:
>>                     http://esgf.org/wiki/Cmip5Status
>>                     I last checked all the sites on 6 January and
>>                     recheck every Friday.
>>                     On 1/17/2012 12:51 PM, Serguei Nikonov wrote:
>>                         Hi Sylvia,
>>                         Ron Stouffer found the serious issue with
>>                         GFDL simulations - they
>>                         are not seen
>>                         all through gateway search interface. I tried
>>                         it on different
>>                         gateways (PCMDI,
>>                         BADC, DKRZ), the results are not good:
>>                         1. "Simulations" search by keywords does not
>>                         work normally. On PCMDI
>>                         and DKRZ
>>                         gateways "GFDL" keyword in  search generates
>>                         message "An internal
>>                         server error
>>                         has occurred. The problem has been logged and
>>                         the administrator
>>                         notified". BADC
>>                         is little bit better but the search returns
>>                         23 results (on 3 pages)
>>                         which are
>>                         only 6 is GFDL; further, going to the 2nd
>>                         page of returned results
>>                         gives the
>>                         same internal server error.
>>                         2. Searching without keywords returns only 6
>>                         GFDL results (PCMDI,
>>                         BADC, DKRZ).
>>                         Other issue is that the tab "Outputs" in
>>                         chosen simulation does not
>>                         contain any
>>                         datasets. I am not sure whether it's working
>>                         functionality currently
>>                         cause I
>>                         could find only one good working example on
>>                         BADC gateway for
>>                         HadGEM2-ES model.
>>                         Estani recommended me to ask you about help.
>>                         Can you advise where to
>>                         start with
>>                         to fix it? Is it GFDL problem or it's general
>>                         issue.
>>                         Thanks,
>>                         Sergey Nikonov
>>                         GFDL Data Portal
>>                         On 01/16/2012 12:05 PM, Estanislao Gonzalez
>>                         wrote:
>>                             Hi Sergei,
>>                             that's a whole different issue... I think
>>                             it's best to start a new
>>                             thread for
>>                             that and ask Sylvia
>>                             Murphy<Sylvia.Murphy at noaa.gov
>>                             <mailto:Sylvia.Murphy at noaa.gov>>   directly.
>>                             There are many issues regarding
>>                             Simulations right now... I don't
>>                             think this will
>>                             affect that at all, since simulations has
>>                             no dataset version concept.
>>                             If simulations are not appearing as they
>>                             should, or the link in
>>                             trackback to the
>>                             datasets is not being displayed, this
>>                             normally has to do with a
>>                             problem in the
>>                             DB of the Gateway and has no relation to
>>                             the data nodes whatsoever.
>>                             So If you
>>                             find any problems related to Simulations,
>>                             you should contact Bob
>>                             and Sylvia
>>                             directly.
>>                             As of this time there are still some
>>                             unresolved issues though.
>>                             thanks,
>>                             Estani
>>                             Am 16.01.2012 17:39, schrieb Serguei Nikonov:
>>                                 Hi Estani,
>>                                 thanks for you help. I realize that I
>>                                 need to republish all
>>                                 datasets. My main
>>                                 point right now is what should be
>>                                 done else to make simulations
>>                                 visible
>>                                 (datasets are OK) in "Simulation"
>>                                 search. This is the main issue
>>                                 currently. Or
>>                                 "harmonizing" versions in datasets on
>>                                 gateway with physical
>>                                 version in DRS
>>                                 will be enough and simulations will
>>                                 appear in "Simulations" search
>>                                 after that
>>                                 at once?
>>                                 Thanks,
>>                                 Sergey
>>                                 On 01/16/2012 11:28 AM, Estanislao
>>                                 Gonzalez wrote:
>>                                     Hi Sergey,
>>                                     sorry if this got confusing but
>>                                     there's a small problem with what
>>                                     Hans said.
>>                                     Setting "version_by_date=true"
>>                                     won't help you here, since AFAIK
>>                                     it will generate
>>                                     a version from the current date,
>>                                     which wont match what you
>>                                     already have in you
>>                                     directory path.
>>                                     To publish a version that's not
>>                                     the current date, you should pass
>>                                     it to the
>>                                     esgpublisher "somehow". One
>>                                     option is to use the --new-version
>>                                     flag as I said,
>>                                     another would be to provide a
>>                                     list of datasets and versions via the
>>                                     --version-list flag (check the
>>                                     --help)
>>                                     I' CCing Bob, maybe he has a
>>                                     better approach. But I'd say, you
>>                                     have to
>>                                     re-publish everything with the
>>                                     proper version.
>>                                     If you use mapfiles, the simplest
>>                                     way to do it I can think of is
>>                                     to extract the
>>                                     version and dataset from the map
>>                                     file using an sed command:
>>                                     sed
>>                                     's#^\([^|].*\)|.*/v\(20[0-9]*\)/.*#\1|\2#'<_your_map_file>
>>                                     |sort -u
>>                                     If you use bash you could do
>>                                     (after unpublishing):
>>                                     map=<path_to_map_file>
>>                                     esgpublish --map $map
>>                                     --version-list<(sed
>>                                     's#^\([^|].*\)|.*/v\(20[0-9]*\)/.*#\1|\2#'
>>                                     $map |sort -u)
>>                                     ....[and the rest as
>>                                     usual]
>>                                     This ways you could publish
>>                                     mapfiles which contains datasets from
>>                                     different
>>                                     versions. If all files in the
>>                                     mapfile are from the same version
>>                                     (might be from
>>                                     different datasets, no problem)
>>                                     then it's easier to use
>>                                     --new-version 2011xxxx
>>                                     It depends on what your
>>                                     environment looks like.
>>                                     Hope this helps,
>>                                     Estani
>>                                     Am 16.01.2012 16:58, schrieb Hans
>>                                     Ramthun:
>>                                         Hallo Sergey,
>>                                         What I wanted is described
>>                                         here were Estani pointed to
>>                                         in one of
>>                                         his mails:
>>                                         http://esg-pcmdi.llnl.gov/internal/esg-data-node-documentation/cmip5-best-practices
>>                                         If you publish the datasets
>>                                         with the option
>>                                         'version_by_date =
>>                                         true' in the
>>                                         project section of the
>>                                         esg.ini file then the
>>                                         discrepancy should
>>                                         be reversed
>>                                         and the view in the tds
>>                                         should be correct.
>>                                         The gateway search will
>>                                         always show the most recent
>>                                         version of
>>                                         the data and in
>>                                         the history tab other
>>                                         versions of the found data.
>>                                         So the only thing you have to
>>                                         do is to insert the above option
>>                                         in the esg.ini
>>                                         file of your data node before
>>                                         publishing the data.
>>                                         Hope that clarified this.
>>                                         Regards
>>                                         Hans
>>                                         Am 16.01.2012 16:36, schrieb
>>                                         Serguei Nikonov:
>>                                             Hi Hans,
>>                                             so, if I change version
>>                                             of dataset on gateway to
>>                                             have it the
>>                                             same as what we
>>                                             have in physical path of
>>                                             files then "Simulations"
>>                                             search in
>>                                             gateway (e.g.
>>                                             http://cmip-gw.badc.rl.ac.uk/query/advanced.htm?product=ConfiguredModelwill)
>>                                             gives all published
>>                                             experiments visible in
>>                                             "Datasets" search?
>>                                             And also
>>                                             "Output" tab of
>>                                             simulation will contain
>>                                             links to datasets? Do I
>>                                             understand
>>                                             correctly what the final
>>                                             result should be achieved?
>>                                             Thanks,
>>                                             Sergey
>>                                             On 01/16/2012 02:56 AM,
>>                                             Hans Ramthun wrote:
>>                                                 Hallo Estani,
>>                                                 Correct that
>>                                                 discrepancy is what I
>>                                                 meant.
>>                                                 Thanks for
>>                                                 investigating and
>>                                                 clarifying this
>>                                                 Hans
>>                                                 Am 14.01.2012 20:28,
>>                                                 schrieb Estanislao
>>                                                 Gonzalez:
>>                                                     Hi,
>>                                                     I've CCed Has,
>>                                                     for some reason
>>                                                     it wasn't in the
>>                                                     list.
>>                                                     Anyway, the
>>                                                     problem was the
>>                                                     version number of
>>                                                     the datasets,
>>                                                     e.g.:
>>                                                     This is the url
>>                                                     of the metadata
>>                                                     to file:
>>                                                     http://esgdata.gfdl.noaa.gov/thredds/esgcet/1/cmip5.output1.NOAA-GFDL.GFDL-CM3.historical.mon.atmos.Amon.r1i1p1.v1.html?dataset=cmip5.output1.NOAA-GFDL.GFDL-CM3.historical.mon.atmos.Amon.r1i1p1.v1.ps_Amon_GFDL-CM3_historical_r1i1p1_186001-186412.nc
>>                                                     says the dataset
>>                                                     it's v1 as you
>>                                                     note from the
>>                                                     url. Now the
>>                                                     download path is:
>>                                                     http://esgdata.gfdl.noaa.gov/thredds/fileServer/gfdl_dataroot/NOAA-GFDL/GFDL-CM3/historical/mon/atmos/Amon/r1i1p1/v20110601/ps/ps_Amon_GFDL-CM3_historical_r1i1p1_186001-186412.nc
>>                                                     where you see
>>                                                     that the version
>>                                                     in the DRS path
>>                                                     says the
>>                                                     version is 20110601.
>>                                                     The problem is
>>                                                     the discrepancy
>>                                                     between the two
>>                                                     versions. The
>>                                                     required
>>                                                     step was
>>                                                     to publish the
>>                                                     dataset using
>>                                                     --new-version
>>                                                     20110601 or any of
>>                                                     the others
>>                                                     possibilities the
>>                                                     publisher offers.
>>                                                     Hans, that's what
>>                                                     you've meant right?
>>                                                     Cheers,
>>                                                     Estani
>>                                                     Am 13.01.2012
>>                                                     21:18, schrieb
>>                                                     Serguei Nikonov:
>>                                                         Hi Hans,
>>                                                         Ron asked me
>>                                                         to follow up
>>                                                         this issue.
>>                                                         As I understand
>>                                                         primary
>>                                                         problem is
>>                                                         with
>>                                                         visibility of
>>                                                         GFDL metafor
>>                                                         metadata from
>>                                                         different
>>                                                         gateways,
>>                                                         isn't it?
>>                                                         As I checked
>>                                                         GFDL data,
>>                                                         it's
>>                                                         accessible
>>                                                         from European
>>                                                         gateways. I am
>>                                                         wondering how
>>                                                         type of
>>                                                         versioning
>>                                                         (numbers or
>>                                                         date) in
>>                                                         datasets can
>>                                                         affect on
>>                                                         this primary
>>                                                         problem? May
>>                                                         be I am not
>>                                                         clear
>>                                                         understand where
>>                                                         is the
>>                                                         problem,
>>                                                         can you
>>                                                         explain me,
>>                                                         please.
>>                                                         Thanks,
>>                                                         Sergey Nikonov,
>>                                                         GFDL Data Portal
>>                                                             Am
>>                                                             13.01.2012 09:05,
>>                                                             schrieb
>>                                                             Hans Ramthun:
>>                                                             Hallo Estani,
>>                                                             How can
>>                                                             Ron fix
>>                                                             this
>>                                                             problem
>>                                                             with the
>>                                                             version
>>                                                             numbers like
>>                                                             v1,v2,...on
>>                                                         the
>>                                                             GFDL
>>                                                             thredds
>>                                                             server
>>                                                             (http://esgdata.gfdl.noaa.gov/thredds/esgcet/catalog.html)?
>>                                                             Could you
>>                                                             please
>>                                                             guide him
>>                                                             to get
>>                                                             the
>>                                                             correct
>>                                                             ones like
>>                                                             v20120113,...?
>>                                                             Thanks
>>                                                             Hans
>>                                                             --------
>>                                                             Original-Nachricht
>>                                                             --------
>>                                                             Betreff:
>>                                                             Re:
>>                                                             [metafor]
>>                                                             metafor
>>                                                             questionnaire
>>                                                             Datum:
>>                                                             Thu, 12
>>                                                             Jan 2012
>>                                                             12:56:39
>>                                                             -0500
>>                                                             Von: Ron
>>                                                             Stouffer<ronald.stouffer at noaa.gov
>>                                                             <mailto:ronald.stouffer at noaa.gov>>
>>                                                             <mailto:ronald.stouffer at noaa.gov
>>                                                             <mailto:ronald.stouffer at noaa.gov>>
>>                                                             Organisation:
>>                                                             Geophysical
>>                                                             Fluid
>>                                                             Dynamics
>>                                                             Laboratory
>>                                                             An: Hans
>>                                                             Ramthun<ramthun at dkrz.de
>>                                                             <mailto:ramthun at dkrz.de>>
>>                                                             <mailto:ramthun at dkrz.de
>>                                                             <mailto:ramthun at dkrz.de>>
>>                                                             Hi Hans,
>>                                                             I am not
>>                                                             sure if
>>                                                             the
>>                                                             problem
>>                                                             you point
>>                                                             out is my
>>                                                             problem
>>                                                             (something that
>>                                                             GFDLers
>>                                                             need to
>>                                                             fix) or
>>                                                             something
>>                                                             that
>>                                                             somebody
>>                                                             involved in
>>                                                             the CMIP
>>                                                             data
>>                                                             serving
>>                                                             software
>>                                                             needs to fix.
>>                                                             If it is
>>                                                             our
>>                                                             (GFDL)
>>                                                             problem.
>>                                                             How do we
>>                                                             go about
>>                                                             fixing it???
>>                                                             Thanks
>>                                                             for the
>>                                                             comment.
>>                                                             -Ron
>>                                                             On
>>                                                             1/12/2012
>>                                                             9:04 AM,
>>                                                             Hans
>>                                                             Ramthun
>>                                                             wrote:
>>                                                                 Hallo
>>                                                                 Ron,
>>                                                                 When
>>                                                                 I go
>>                                                                 to
>>                                                                 the
>>                                                                 GFDL
>>                                                                 thredds
>>                                                                 server
>>                                                                 (http://esgdata.gfdl.noaa.gov/thredds/esgcet/catalog.html)
>>                                                                 I
>>                                                                 find only
>>                                                                 datasets
>>                                                                 with
>>                                                                 version
>>                                                                 numbers
>>                                                                 like
>>                                                                 v1,v2,...
>>                                                                 Normally
>>                                                                 I
>>                                                                 would
>>                                                                 expect here
>>                                                                 something
>>                                                                 like
>>                                                                 a data:
>>                                                                 v20120112
>>                                                                 or so.
>>                                                                 Cheers
>>                                                                 Hans
>>                                                                 Am
>>                                                                 12.01.2012
>>                                                                 14:08,schriebcharlotte.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk
>>                                                                 <mailto:schriebcharlotte.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk>:
>>                                                         <mailto:charlotte.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk
>>                                                         <mailto:charlotte.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk>:>
>>                                                                     Hi all,
>>                                                                     There
>>                                                                     are
>>                                                                     no GFDL
>>                                                                     simulations
>>                                                                     on the
>>                                                                     list
>>                                                                     of published
>>                                                                     CIM
>>                                                                     documents
>>                                                                     on the
>>                                                                     questionnaire
>>                                                                     atom
>>                                                                     feed.
>>                                                                     However,
>>                                                                     there
>>                                                                     are
>>                                                                     26 simulations
>>                                                                     documented
>>                                                                     in the
>>                                                                     GFDL
>>                                                                     pages
>>                                                                     of the
>>                                                                     questionnaire.
>>                                                                     Ron,
>>                                                                     you'll
>>                                                                     have
>>                                                                     just
>>                                                                     received
>>                                                                     an email
>>                                                                     from
>>                                                                     the
>>                                                                     help
>>                                                                     desk
>>                                                                     asking
>>                                                                     you
>>                                                                     to hit
>>                                                                     the
>>                                                                     publish
>>                                                                     button
>>                                                                     on you
>>                                                                     simulation
>>                                                                     documents
>>                                                                     and
>>                                                                     offering
>>                                                                     an
>>                                                                     online
>>                                                                     demo
>>                                                                     session
>>                                                                     to help
>>                                                                     iron
>>                                                                     out
>>                                                                     any
>>                                                                     niggles.
>>                                                                     best,
>>                                                                     Charlotte
>>                                                                     -----Original
>>                                                                     Message-----
>>                                                                     From:metafor-bounces at lists.enes.org
>>                                                                     <mailto:From%3Ametafor-bounces at lists.enes.org>
>>                                                         <mailto:metafor-bounces at lists.enes.org
>>                                                         <mailto:metafor-bounces at lists.enes.org>>
>>                                                                     [mailto:metafor-bounces at lists.enes.org
>>                                                                     <mailto:metafor-bounces at lists.enes.org>]
>>                                                                     On Behalf
>>                                                                     Of
>>                                                                     Bryan
>>                                                                     Lawrence
>>                                                                     Sent:
>>                                                                     11 January
>>                                                                     2012
>>                                                                     13:33
>>                                                                     To:
>>                                                                     Ron
>>                                                                     Stouffer
>>                                                                     Cc:
>>                                                                     Metafor
>>                                                                     List;
>>                                                                     sylvia
>>                                                                     murphy
>>                                                                     Subject:
>>                                                                     Re:
>>                                                                     [metafor]
>>                                                                     metafor
>>                                                                     questionnaire
>>                                                                         Bryan,
>>                                                                         Is
>>                                                                         the
>>                                                                         ESM2M
>>                                                                         (GFDL)
>>                                                                         metafor
>>                                                                         questionnaire
>>                                                                         done
>>                                                                         and
>>                                                                         public?
>>                                                                         -Ron
>>                                                                     Hi Ron
>>                                                                     The
>>                                                                     short
>>                                                                     answer
>>                                                                     is yes.
>>                                                                     The
>>                                                                     slightly
>>                                                                     longer
>>                                                                     answer
>>                                                                     is,
>>                                                                     that
>>                                                                     for
>>                                                                     reasons
>>                                                                     I
>>                                                                     don't
>>                                                                     understand
>>                                                                     one
>>                                                                     sees
>>                                                                     a
>>                                                                     different
>>                                                                     amount
>>                                                                     of simulation
>>                                                                     metadata
>>                                                                     for
>>                                                                     GFDL
>>                                                                     in the
>>                                                                     various
>>                                                                     gateways
>>                                                                     ...
>>                                                                     There
>>                                                                     are
>>                                                                     23 simulations
>>                                                                     descriptions
>>                                                                     for
>>                                                                     GFDL
>>                                                                     (including
>>                                                                     ESM2M
>>                                                                     ones)
>>                                                                     at BADC,
>>                                                                     21 at
>>                                                                     PCMDI
>>                                                                     and
>>                                                                     10 at
>>                                                                     NCAR
>>                                                                     in their
>>                                                                     gateway
>>                                                                     2 ...
>>                                                                     (You
>>                                                                     can
>>                                                                     see
>>                                                                     these
>>                                                                     records
>>                                                                     by choosing
>>                                                                     simulation
>>                                                                     or'simulation
>>                                                                     metadata'
>>                                                                     as the
>>                                                                     target
>>                                                                     in your
>>                                                                     search
>>                                                                     on the
>>                                                                     portals,
>>                                                                     rather
>>                                                                     than
>>                                                         data)
>>                                                                     I
>>                                                                     don't
>>                                                                     know
>>                                                                     that
>>                                                                     any
>>                                                                     of these
>>                                                                     numbers
>>                                                                     correspond
>>                                                                     to the
>>                                                                     number
>>                                                                     in
>>                                                                     the
>>                                                                     questionnaire
>>                                                                     feed.
>>                                                                     It's
>>                                                                     an interesting
>>                                                                     quality
>>                                                                     control
>>                                                                     issue,
>>                                                                     and
>>                                                                     I
>>                                                                     think
>>                                                                     we'll
>>                                                                     knock
>>                                                                     something
>>                                                                     up to
>>                                                                     compare
>>                                                                     what's
>>                                                                     public
>>                                                                     from
>>                                                                     the
>>                                                                     questionnaire,
>>                                                                     and
>>                                                                     what
>>                                                                     appears
>>                                                                     in the
>>                                                                     portals.
>>                                                                     Cheers
>>                                                                     Bryan
>>                                                                     -- 
>>                                                                     Bryan
>>                                                                     Lawrence
>>                                                                     University
>>                                                                     of Reading:
>>                                                                     Professor
>>                                                                     of Weather
>>                                                                     and
>>                                                                     Climate
>>                                                                     Computing.
>>                                                                     National
>>                                                                     Centre
>>                                                                     for
>>                                                                     Atmospheric
>>                                                                     Science:
>>                                                                     Director
>>                                                                     of
>>                                                                     Models
>>                                                                     and
>>                                                                     Data.
>>                                                                     STFC:
>>                                                                     Director
>>                                                                     of the
>>                                                                     Centre
>>                                                                     for
>>                                                                     Environmental
>>                                                                     Data
>>                                                                     Archival.
>>                                                                     Ph:+44
>>                                                                     118
>>                                                                     3786507
>>                                                                     <tel:%2B44%20118%203786507><tel:%2B44%20118%203786507>
>>                                                                     or 1235
>>                                                                     445012;
>>                                                         Web:home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence
>>                                                         <http://home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence><http://home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence>
>>                                                                     _______________________________________________
>>                                                                     metafor
>>                                                                     mailing
>>                                                                     list
>>                                                                     metafor at lists.enes.org
>>                                                                     <mailto:metafor at lists.enes.org><mailto:metafor at lists.enes.org
>>                                                                     <mailto:metafor at lists.enes.org>>
>>                                                                     https://lists.enes.org/mailman/listinfo/metafor
>>                                                         -- 
>>                                                         Estanislao
>>                                                         Gonzalez
>>                                                         Max-Planck-Institut
>>                                                         fЭr
>>                                                         Meteorologie
>>                                                         (MPI-M)
>>                                                         Deutsches
>>                                                         Klimarechenzentrum
>>                                                         (DKRZ) -
>>                                                         German Climate
>>                                                         Computing Centre
>>                                                         Room 108 -
>>                                                         Bundesstrasse
>>                                                         45a, D-20146
>>                                                         Hamburg, Germany
>>                                                         Phone:+49
>>                                                         (40) 46 00
>>                                                         <tel:%2B49%20%2840%29%2046%2000>
>>                                                         94-126<tel:%2B49%20%2840%29%2046%2000%2094-126>
>>                                                         E-Mail:gonzalez at dkrz.de
>>                                                         <mailto:E-Mail%3Agonzalez at dkrz.de><mailto:gonzalez at dkrz.de
>>                                                         <mailto:gonzalez at dkrz.de>>
>>                         _______________________________________________
>>                         GO-ESSP-TECH mailing list
>>                         GO-ESSP-TECH at ucar.edu
>>                         <mailto:GO-ESSP-TECH at ucar.edu>
>>                         http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/go-essp-tech
>>             _______________________________________________
>>             GO-ESSP-TECH mailing list
>>             GO-ESSP-TECH at ucar.edu <mailto:GO-ESSP-TECH at ucar.edu>
>>             http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/go-essp-tech
>>         -- 
>>         Estanislao Gonzalez
>>         Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M)
>>         Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) - German Climate
>>         Computing Centre
>>         Room 108 - Bundesstrasse 45a, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
>>         Phone: +49 (40) 46 00 94-126
>>         <tel:%2B49%20%2840%29%2046%2000%2094-126>
>>         E-Mail: gonzalez at dkrz.de <mailto:gonzalez at dkrz.de>
>>     -- 
>>     ******************************************
>>     Sylvia Murphy
>>     NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
>>     325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
>>     Time Zone: U.S. Mountain
>>     Web: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/nesii/
>>     Email: sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov <mailto:sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov>
>>     Phone: 303-497-7753 <tel:303-497-7753>
>     -- 
>     Estanislao Gonzalez
>     Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M)
>     Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) - German Climate Computing Centre
>     Room 108 - Bundesstrasse 45a, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
>     Phone:+49 (40) 46 00 94-126  <tel:%2B49%20%2840%29%2046%2000%2094-126>
>     E-Mail:gonzalez at dkrz.de  <mailto:gonzalez at dkrz.de>  
> -- 
> ******************************************
> Sylvia Murphy
> NESII/CIRES/NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
> 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305
> Time Zone: U.S. Mountain
> Web: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/nesii/
> Email: sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov <mailto:sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov>
> Phone: 303-497-7753

Estanislao Gonzalez

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M)
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) - German Climate Computing Centre
Room 108 - Bundesstrasse 45a, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany

Phone:   +49 (40) 46 00 94-126
E-Mail:  gonzalez at dkrz.de

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