[Go-essp-tech] Change of institute name

Bryan Lawrence bryan.lawrence at ncas.ac.uk
Thu Jan 19 01:28:09 MST 2012

Hi Muhamed

what did you do in the Metafor catalog. It's important that the institute name in both data and metadata are the same.

> Hi Muhamed,
> 	when your THREDDS catalog is crawled to a P2P index, nothing needs to happen - the new name will automatically be harvested.
> thanks, Luca
> On Jan 18, 2012, at 5:27 PM, Muhammad Atif wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > We are supposed to publish data for ACCESS model. The original  
> > institute name for this model was CAWCR, but it has been decided that 
> > the modeling institute should be CSIRO-BOM. Is there anything that ESGF 
> > needs to do for this?
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
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Bryan Lawrence
University of Reading:  Professor of Weather and Climate Computing.
National Centre for Atmospheric Science: Director of Models and Data. 
STFC: Director of the Centre for Environmental Data Archival.
Ph: +44 118 3786507 or 1235 445012; Web:home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence

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