[Go-essp-tech] Change of institute name

Muhammad Atif muhammad.atif at anu.edu.au
Wed Jan 18 17:27:52 MST 2012

Hi All,

We are supposed to publish data for ACCESS model. The original  
institute name for this model was CAWCR, but it has been decided that 
the modeling institute should be CSIRO-BOM. Is there anything that ESGF 
needs to do for this?


Muhammad Atif
ANU Supercomputer Facility      NCI National Facility
Leonard Huxley, Mills Road      Room 318, Bldg # 56
Australian National University  Ph:  +61 2 6125 5031
Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia   M:   0430 393863
CRICOS Provider #00120C         http://anusf.anu.edu.au

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