[Go-essp-tech] Update Nodes & Gateways Web Page

Cinquini, Luca (3880) Luca.Cinquini at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jul 14 05:02:15 MDT 2011

Hi Estani,
ok maybe we can talk about this when you get back, at that point I hope we will have more observations.
Have a great vacation,
thanks, Luca

On Jul 14, 2011, at 4:08 AM, Estanislao Gonzalez wrote:

The short answer is: Yes and No :-)

The long one:
We can add a new table regarding observations (and indeed that would be a great idea), but it's not that easy...
...And good that you were scared, that was the idea ;-) Indeed the page represents a (pretty) accurate view of the Archive at any time... if you go to info, you can even compare versions and thus see how the Archive grew from day to day. (Not much interesting now, as most of the older versions where just tests of mine...). Because I'm generating that data automatically, parsing observations might not be a trivial task... haven't tried, though I already have problems with sites not conforming to DRS.
The code used for this is already available on the esgf-contrib repo (cmip5_status.py). It's all python though. I'll be glad to help, but as I'm leaving on vacations tomorrow, well have to put it back two weeks.

Adding information manually has already proved to be a short-term solution only. On the other hand, we seem to avoid committing ourselves to standards, so there I foresee the dilemma for the years to come :-)


Am 13.07.2011 18:29, schrieb Cinquini, Luca (3880):
Hi Estani,
is it ok to include in that table information about the observations that will be part of the CMIP archive ? If the answer is yes, do I insert the information manually in the page ?
There is a scary line there that says "This page gets automatically generated. All changes will get lost after next update."

thanks, Luca

On Jul 13, 2011, at 8:42 AM, Estanislao Gonzalez wrote:

Hi Sebastien,

I still can't understand why there are data nodes not accepting PKI access. I've asked around but never got any answer.

What we can do is mark the data node we know has no PKI in place in the list as such. Non marked one are supposed to be working.

Furthermore I'm not sure if it's really the data node not accepting PKI access or the gateways not configured to provide them while generating the wget script.

By the way, I'm still not sure which version is around... The latest I've built used the checksums to assure the files were downloaded correctly, are all Gateways using that one?

Now regarding http://esgf.org/wiki/Cmip5Status/ArchiveView I've created that page just recently (glad you've found it out ;-). It's a prototype so I might have to tune it a little bit.
The main idea is to harvest known Gateways/top level collections for new datasets and building that summary you see (plus the DB we have).
Sadly the Gateway API prior to 1.3.1 together with the non conformance to DRS structures make it "unstable" so there are some data nodes that I just can't get information from.

I'll try to keep evolving it as time permits.


Am 13.07.2011 16:32, schrieb Sébastien Denvil:
Dear all,

from this page http://esgf.org/wiki/Cmip5Status the http://esgf.org/wiki/Cmip5Status/ArchiveView page is very useful. Thanks.

I'm sure it's in the pipeline and I mention it in case it's not:
- it would be great if we can have for each datanode a PKI access (yes/no) flag we could refer to.

All the best.

On 12/07/2011 21:35, Williams, Dean N. wrote:
Thanks Bob, Eric, and everyone else for updating the information on the website. We will have network connectivity listed on this site soon.

Best regards,

Bob Drach On 7/12/11 11:55 AM, "Bob Drach" <drach1 at llnl.gov<x-msg://6/drach1@llnl.gov>> wrote:

OK, done for the PCMDI nodes. --Bob

On 7/12/11 6:45 AM, "Williams, Dean N." <williams13 at llnl.gov<x-msg://6/williams13@llnl.gov>> wrote:

Dear Administrators,

    Please update the Nodes & Gateways web page found at: http://esgf.org/wiki/Cmip5Status . For example, if you have updated your test gateway to 1.3.0, please indicate it.


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Sébastien Denvil
IPSL, Pôle de modélisation du climat
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Estanislao Gonzalez

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M)
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) - German Climate Computing Centre
Room 108 - Bundesstrasse 45a, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany

Phone:   +49 (40) 46 00 94-126
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Estanislao Gonzalez

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (MPI-M)
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ) - German Climate Computing Centre
Room 108 - Bundesstrasse 45a, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany

Phone:   +49 (40) 46 00 94-126
E-Mail:  gonzalez at dkrz.de<mailto:gonzalez at dkrz.de>

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