[Go-essp-tech] [metafor] status of CIM 2.0

Bryan Lawrence bryan.lawrence at stfc.ac.uk
Sun Jul 3 14:16:22 MDT 2011

Hi Allyn

> One of the things we were uncertain about was the status of CIM 2.0
> development.  I understand that Kristin and others have been working
> to make CIM 1.5 GML-compatible and taking this opportunity to clean
> up some of the confusing bits of the domain model.  Every so often I
> get questions from Kristin asking for clarifications of CIM 1.5
> constructs.  Beyond that, though, I don't have any involvement in CIM
> 2.0.  Similarly, the group on the telco today was unsure how (or
> whether) to participate in CIM 2.0 development.

So the current plan is to get a sensible base proposal for CIM 2.0 
ready, and then discuss that  widely within the Metafor+Curator group.
Hopefully that's only a week or two away.

> You had said previously that a CIM governance committee (and
> Controlled Vocabulary governance committees?) should be set up to
> help guide and review CIM development.  Can you give us an idea of
> your timeframe for setting that up, and/or milestones that must be
> completed before that occurs?

So I think setting up the governance committee in advance of having a 
job to do would be to waste the momentum one would get from setting it 
up. I think it should have a job to to soon after being set up.

So my plan has been to run the setting up of the governance committee in 
parallel with the community discussion of the CIM2.0 proposal, and then 
when we (the community) have got something sorted, run it through this 
new governance procedure.

I appreciate it's a bit odd since many of the same people are involved, 
but as previously advertised I'd like to use CIM2 as a dry run for 
future governance, when proposals could come from different communities, 
or parts of the community.

So, the three phases of activity I anticipate are:

1) current activity trying to get something coherent ready for the 
community to discuss

2) community disccussion in parallel with setting up the governance

3) take CIM2 through a governance procedure, formally ... 

I had hoped we'd have all that done by end of July a few months ago, but 
a lot of things have held us up on a lot of fronts.

Anyway, like I say, 1) should conclude really soon. We should do 2) over 
what's left of summer, and 3) asap thereafter, in September if we can.


> Thanks very much.
> Regards,
> Allyn
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Bryan Lawrence
Director of Environmental Archival and Associated Research
(NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre and NCEO/NERC NEODC)
STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Phone +44 1235 445012; Fax ... 5848; 
Web: home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence

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