[Go-essp-tech] Status of Gateway 2.0

Jean-Yves Peterschmitt Jean-Yves.Peterschmitt at lsce.ipsl.fr
Wed Dec 7 09:31:12 MST 2011

	Dear all,

Following Jennifer's bold example, I have also tried the Gateway 2.0.

I find it VERY CONVENIENT to be able to get a SINGLE wget script for 
downloading a variable for all the matching available models (the 
regular gateways will give me several wget scripts). My use case is
	Realm	Frequency	Experiment	Variable
     	atmos	mon		midHolocene 	tas

What is odd, though, is that before selecting the 'tas' variable (ie 
when I have only selected atmos/mon/midHolocene), I get lots of 
variables to choose from. But once 'tas' is selected, I only have 15 
variables to choose from, and I can't find and add 'pr'. Of course, I 
would like to have a single wget script to download 'tas' and 'pr' for 
all the available midHolocene models :-)

> 1. It would be great if you could give the script a name that reflects
> the search constraints used to build that script -- something like
> wget.cmip5.decadal1960.mon.atmos.clt+prw.sh
yes! Or at the very least add the date_time to the name so that the user 
does not have to rename it
	e.g.	wget-20111207_1715.sh
and maybe, when the user runs this "wget-20111207_1715.sh", you can 
update an history file in ~/.esg listing all the files downloaded with 

When looking at the available models for midHolocene, I don't see the 
IPSL model that we submitted recently. That's probably because the test 
Gateway was not updated recently. Is there a way, when you are looking 
for data on a gateway (the 2.0 or the regular one) to know when its data 
(its knowledge of all the available CMIP5 datasets) was last updated?


                   (o o)
|                      Jean-Yves Peterschmitt                    |
|   Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement     |
|           LSCE/IPSL, Laboratoire CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, UMR 8212       |
|       LSCE/DSM - CEA Saclay - L'Orme des Merisiers - Bat 701   |
|                    91191 Gif-sur-Yvette - FRANCE               |
|                Jean-Yves.Peterschmitt at lsce.ipsl.fr             |
|         Tel (33.1)    Fax (33.1)       |

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