[Go-essp-tech] GO-ESSP-Tech 4/19/2011 - Release Coordination - Metrics

Eric Nienhouse ejn at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 19 14:46:34 MDT 2011

Hi All,

We discussed the Data Node metrics access logging service in our GO-ESSP 
call today.  This is a key integration point between Gateways and Data 
Nodes and is a high priority feature for the 1.3.0 release.

Following is a summary of our conclusions.  Please note anything that 
may be incorrect or unclear.

1)  The Data Node metrics access logging service should be secured via SSL.
2)  Gateway access to the metrics service should require (GW client) 
3)  Email address should not be included in the metrics records exchanged.
4)  There are a number of use cases which imply tracking user OpenID's 
at the GW and DN.

We discussed providing examples or best practices for securing the 
metrics service.  (Ideally for a Non-Spring  Tomcat environment.)  
(Phil, Luca, Nate?)

We noted the Gateway 1.3.0 RC1 release is waiting on finalizing the 
metrics service interface and security configuration.  We need to 
identify the time-line for accomplishing securing the metrics service. 

For further background, the ESG Metrics Use Cases can be found below.  
These Use Cases support our conclusions above.


I appreciate all the input today.



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