[Go-essp-tech] Instructions to participate in the 3/9/10 XML upload demonstration

sylvia murphy Sylvia.Murphy at noaa.gov
Mon Mar 8 20:06:06 MST 2010

Hi Everyone,

On Tuesday 9 March, we will conduct a demonstration of the state of  
the XML upload in the ESG-CET gateway.  This will occur as part of  
METAFOR's regularly scheduled Tuesday telecon.  The demo will occur  
towards the end of the telco after other business has been conducted.   
We will be using METAFOR's phone bridge.  Instructions below.

We expect to cover:

* What Gerry Devine's latest example looks like.  His example includes  
an atmospheric component and an aerosol component.  The focus will be  
on the component tree, how realms and titles are displayed.

* Please refer to http://curator.ucar.edu/trackback/query.htm?id=esg:modelcomponent_higem&session=true 
  for the visual portion of the demonstration.


0700 Pacific
0800 Mountain
1200 Eastern
1500 London
1600 Paris


*Phone Bridge*

Please dial:

US:             1-866-582-9109

For numbers outside of the US, please refer to:

Passcode:  *987093*

Sylvia Murphy
sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov

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