[Go-essp-tech] Updating the DRS document

stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk
Thu Jan 7 05:04:32 MST 2010

Hi Martin and Karl,

I am keen that the recent discussions on DRS aren't forgotten in the
rush to implement.  Therefore I would like to see the DRS document
updated with the following:

 1. Product/Category Component.  

As agreed in the versioning telco
(http://proj.badc.rl.ac.uk/go-essp/wiki/CMIP5/Meetings/telco091208) we
need an extra component in the DRS to distinguish between requested
and unrequested atomic datasets.  I think the proposal was for a
category between Activity and Institute with a the value "full" or
"requested".  I like the term "Product" for this component but I think
various names were discussed.

 2. Hostname Component in URLs.

I believe this needs to be replaced by a host prefix, thus allowing
some site-specific path elements to preceed the activity component.
Knowing how the datanode software is designed I think it is too
restrictive to insist the first element after the hostname is Activity
because in reality multiple services will be running on a datanode.
One could keep the current scheme with virtual hosts and redirects but
it seems unnecessary.

 3. Section 3.3 Filenames.

There is no version number in the filename convention: Shouldn't there
be?  A recent comment from Sylvia suggested the ESG metadata display
will depend on this naming scheme so I would like to see more detail
here.  Is the temporal_subset element manditory for all files in the

I am happy to help with preparing a new draft if you wish.


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