[Go-essp-tech] Minutes: 1/6/10 Output Variable Telecon

Sylvia Murphy Sylvia.Murphy at noaa.gov
Wed Jan 6 08:47:22 MST 2010

Hi Everyone,

Gerry Devine and I had a call today to discuss what ESG needs to do with respect to output variables in the ESG model metadata display.  Thanks Gerry for making it into the office with 12 inches of snow on the ground and more on the way!  It was a useful conversation.  Here are some salient points:

a) The METAFOR questionnaire will not be collecting output variable information.

b) Gerry had created a spreadsheet of variables requested by CMIP5.  The first column is the name, the second column is the mindmap component this variable would most likely be associated with, and the third column is the CF standard name if it exists.

c) Allision, at BADC is working on getting CF standard names for all the CMIP5 variables.  This is an ongoing process but is not complete.

d) The spreadsheet is several months out of date.  It would take Gerry 2 working days to bring the spreadsheet up to date with respect to the mindmaps and CF variables.

e) There are over 800 variables in the spreadsheet


** Since this information is not in the questionnaire, do we still want to pursue trying to get it into the ESG display?  **

The information is not actual output variables but requested variables.  They may match  what the model is doing or they may not.  The variables are also subjectively tied to a particular component in the mindmaps, but could in reality be tied to another component in the model.  

My personal opinion:  Since this information is not actually factual for the model component it would be displayed with AND the factual information will be available in ESGs dataset display,  this list of requested CMIP5 variables has limited utility in the ESG model metadata display.

Everyone please chime in.  Further discussions and actions will be required if this needs to be pressed further.


Sylvia Murphy
sylvia.murphy at noaa.gov

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